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Who has a crush on you?

If you are a boy, a girl will have a crush on you, and vice versa for girls. Here's the format: {Random zodiac sign}~Boy character/Girl Character


{Aries}~Dark Link/Clockwork


{Cancer}~Homicidal Liu/Jane


{Scorpio}~Splendor/Judge Angels

{Taurus}~E.J/Nurse Ann

{Sagittarius}~Trender/Judge Angels

{Gemini}~Hoodie (IGDEWHGDEWJEFHJHDEJKWGE >:( ~An envious Author-Chan)/ Nina


{Libra}~Tails Doll/Clockwork



I'm sorry that the girl characters were repeated. I don't have many girls on the wheel I'm using, so I had to think of some more off the bat. :|

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