Chapter 6

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Without warning, something came out of the woods.


I stood growling.


And then I realized I recognized the smell.


Reyanna screamed, her eyes shut.




I instantly dropped down on my tummy, stopped growling, and started to whimper.


She slowly began to open her eyes.


I laid my head down on my front paws and stared at her.


What the hell was she doing out here anyways?


"What are you?" She wondered aloud.


I gave another whimper.


"Your not scared of me, are you?" She asked.


Taking a few brave steps towards me, she held out a hand as if to say she was harmless.


By the time she had gotten half a foot away from me, she wasn't as scared.


I stood, slowly.


She almost ran all the way back to the forest, but instead came a little closer.


I growled at her hand, warning her away from me. Especially because I was in wolf form.


She hesitated a moment, but stayed.


Letting out an inside sigh, I slowly lifted my muzzle up to her hand.


Her touch was soft and gentle.


It was the perfect human and beast communication.


It was like a painted picture.


Until it ended.


A crunch came from the woods.


I stepped around Reyanna in a protective position.


Another wolf's scent drifted through the air.


It was him.


Thankfully, not in his wolf's form.


He was still cloaked, making him look like a mysterious sorcerer or the like. 


I growled, and he disappeared.


I knew he was watching me, though.


Both me and Reyanna.


She was another one of his subjects.


And I had to protect her for as long as I was stuck in this damned cage.


Turning back to Reyanna, I saw that she didn't look scared.


But I knew. 


Soon she would know. 


Especially if she kept coming out at night like this.


I laid back on my belly and stared at her.


She watched me, eventually sitting down as well.


As she drifted off to sleep, she murmured something.


"So warm." She had whispered.


I changed, picking her up at the same time, and began walking towards the school.


She would wonder if it were a dream, but I would be unable to tell her.




(Reyanna's POV)


I woke the next morning in my room.


Unsure what really happened, I frowned upon seeing myself back into my nightgown.


I could have sworn that I snuck out last night with jeans and a t shirt.


And then I remembered.


The woods.


The lake.


The wolf.


But how did I get back to my room?


I looked down at my shoes that were by my bed.


Turning them over, I saw that the dirt was dry.


So whoever tried to make me think it was a dream forgot one important thing.


For a delinquent, I'm pretty smart.





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