Part 2

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"I have a feeling that I won't be working here soon." Sighed a tall, muscular, pale blonde wizard, from his small desk in St Mungos.

"Why? I thought you liked working here?" Asked his friend, who had bronze skin and rich chocolate brown eyes.

"I do Blaise, but no one wants an ex-death-eater to treat them. I've had hundreds of patients in my year and a half of working here, and only five let me treat them. What was the point of retaking my last year and training for months to get this job when no one will take me?" He sighed, running a pale hand through his neatly combed hair.

"You just have to give them time," Blaise said, comfortingly, "lots of people suffered after the war and not everyone has recovered. At the beginning, no one would take any help with dark magic, but after I charmed them with my good looks and sweet talk, they accepted me."

The blonde chuckled at his big headed-ness as Blaise perched on the end of his desk.

"You mean after you slept with them?" The blonde asked, smirking.

"That was one time man! And I'm still with the girl, aren't I? Anyway, Draco, all you need to do is act a-bit less icy and cold. Then people will come around." Blaise smiled, "I've got to go, but if in doubt, just smile." He said, before walking out of the room, leaving Draco all alone.

Looking around his small office, his eyes lingered on the empty nursing bed, and wondered if he'll ever be able to treat a patient. When he was training to become a healer- he was top of his class. He couldn't believe no one would let him help.

Sighing, he hoped tomorrow would be better.

Packing up his belongings, Draco got ready to leave and go home. Just as he stepped out of the room to lock up, the head healer, Bonham, and a women dressed in quidditch gear walked up to him.

"Evening Draco, I hope it's not too late to have a word?" Asked Bonham.

So surprised the head healer was speaking to him, Draco nodded his head and after a second of fumbling the door nob, opened it and led them into his small office.

"Take a seat, Draco, this'll take a while." The woman said, as she and Bonham sat in the seats opposite his desk.

Doing as she said, Draco sat in his chair.

"So, what would you like to speak about?" Draco asked.

"Well, I'm sure you know Gwenwog Jones." Smiled Bonham, nodding to the woman.

Jones. Draco dead planned. The old chaser and new coach of the Harpies. He couldn't believe he forgot.

"Oh yes. Mrs Jones. How are the Harpies doing?" Draco asked.

"Very well thank you. We are top of the league currently- our star chasers doing." She smiled, "but I'm afraid that is why I have come. You remember Ginny Weasley?"

Ginny Weasley. Draco sighed.

At Hogwarts, it seemed she had the whole wide world, wrapped around her finger. She was funny, brave, intelligent, beautiful- and to top it all off, the best chaser in the school. Draco remembered his keepers complaints that the 'Weasley girl' was too good. Smiling at the memory, Draco recollected the last time he saw her.

As the carries took control, Draco was appointed head boy and was part of the student look out team. He was supposed to prowl the halls on tight schedules, picking out kids who were part of the DA- or 'trouble makers', was what the Carrows called them.

Draco knee Ginny was one of the lead members of the group, and one night, caught her in the act. At that moment, he felt the difference between good and bad, and he wanted to do the right thing.

He then began to help the resistance- covering for them when they needed help. To this day, he told no one about it. The only people who knew of his doings was the Silver Trio; Ginny, Luna and Neville.

The last time he saw them was after the war ended- covered in scratches and dirt.

"Yes, I remember." He spoke, as he listened to the two.

"Well, she is in a bit of a pickle. Though she manages to hide it- she is in a lot of pain. All her muscles are on the point of destruction and I'm not sure if magic will be able to fix them. She is a head strong girl, and after your family's rivalry, I was unsure after Bonham suggested you- but your qualifications speak for theme selves and Ginny said, and I quote, 'I'm not going to listen to some arse hole healer'. I think after some time you two shall get along." She finished.

Chuckling lightly at the Weasley temper, Draco nodded and spoke.

"Of course I'll help. Normally I am the one begging for patients." He smiled, as Bonham nodded.

"She is coming in tomorrow. I'm afraid she is a stubborn Weasley, so you'll have to give her time- she'll come around." Jones said.

"I believe this shall be a long journey for the witch, so I'm afraid you'll have to put in many hours, Draco." Spoke Bonham.

"Sir- this is my first patient after starting here, years ago. If anything I will put in more effort." Draco replied, beaming.

"Of course." The two smiled.

"Your first appointment is tomorrow at 12. Try and get on her good side from the go- so I think you know what to and what not to bring up." Jones said, as they shook hands.

"Good luck, Healer Malfoy." Bonham spoke, as he and Jones left his office.

After the two left his office, Draco closed his door and turned to look into his office.

Whispering a quick silencing spell, Draco jumped up and down in glee.

"Finally!" He yelled, "Thank you Ginny Weasley!"

Excited, he rushed to the hospitals library and picked out all the books that could help Ginny.

Thank you for reading x
Hope you liked it!

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