•.2|| Mr. Dragon

Start from the beginning

The grandmother looks at her with soft eyes.

"No more crying. That may have been the end of the story, but I can guarantee that the dragon will make his own happy ending someday."

The child nodded and smiled, looking at her wise grandmother. The scene began to fade to black, slowly crumbling to the void around them.


Your eyes flutter open slowly, and a harsh light hits your eyes. You grunt and squint, trying to let your eyes adjust to the sudden light change.

"Ugh..." Muttering, you clenched your fists together, feeling a grainy material against your hands. You looked to your side, seeing only but patches of grass and lots of dirt around you.

You looked up, seeing tree leaves blocking the sky. The sun's rays bled through the leaves, and you could hear the faint chirping of crickets in the distance.

"I.. must've passed out." You mumble, sitting up. You felt some dirt fall of your back, but you weren't worried about that. Standing up, you brushed the dirt off your dress.

"Alright. Now that it's a new day.. I should try to find my way around here.. er.. but first, I should try to recall where I'm at." You chuckle, reaching towards your satchel.

Fishing for a map to use, you pause. You looked inside the satchel, moving everything around.

"Hah.. hehe.. Oh no." You close the satchel up slowly, expression dumbfounded.

Well, you didn't have a map, so in other words...

"I'm lost." You whine, placing your face in your hands.

You looked around with a solemn face, eyes farting around the forest. Trees, grass, dirt, a river, and some flowers were all you could see.

"Ah jeez. Looks like I'm gonna have to walk for a while, it seems."

Turning towards a direction, you began walking deeper into the unknown forest, trying to recall why you were here. Could it be that you were kidnapped and placed here? No, that wouldn't make sense. What if you were teleported here? That makes even less sense. Maybe you came here and didn't remember? That seems more plausible.

"..Hello? Anyone out here? Erm.. any fairies? Or elves? Or uh.. dragons?"

Wait, dragons?

"You know what?! Dragons!" You gasp. "I'm gonna look for Mr. Dragon! I have to meet him!" You puff out your cheeks.

Opening up your satchel, you fished out the book you brought. You held it up in front of your face with a determined expression, opening it up to the first page.

"Okay. So, this might be the exact forest in which he lives in! Lemme see.." You mumble to yourself, flipping through the pages.

Upon flipping through the books, you paused when you heard a noise. It was almost carnal, ringing in your ears. You looked up from the book and looked around, blinking.

"Hello? Anyone out there..? Erm.. I'm not mean, I promise..!" You chuckle nervously, eyes farting around the forest.

The noise became louder, and louder. It sounded like an animal, but you weren't sure which one. You haven't been outside the castle to experience things like this, so you obviously wouldn't know.

"Uh.. if you're gonna eat me, I should probably let you know that I'm not very tasty!" You stepped back.

Then you saw it.

Hungry, yellow eyes stared at you in a predatory manner, creeping closer and closer to you. You saw sharp teeth and mangled, gray fur, immediately gasping.

| Historiarum | Shouto Todoroki x Reader | Dragon AU | [ON HOLD FOR NOW]Where stories live. Discover now