🎅🏼🎄🤶🏽Is It Christmas Time Already?!

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Taijitu somehow ends up riding on the plane with Yin who she ended up using as a pillow as she laid up against his chest in the back of the plane she was finally able to put a face to the names she heard ever so constantly about Toll Road, Hale Caesar, Gunner Jensen, the "mysterious".... at least to her mainly because of the emotions he brings out of her that have yet to show themselves.... Lee Christmas and Barney Ross Lee kept looking back at her.... and Gunner of course.... everytime his eyes landed on Taijitu his heart squeezed painfully which he hated for he was seeing his girl Lacey.... who was a "acquired taste" and not all that liked by the others for the way she treats him which he's to blinded by "love" to see.... he gets a much better look at the sexy even when she's covered in dirt, grime and blood woman who was using Yin's chest as a bed and now that he got a better look at the way she was resting he noticed that she laid in a way that would not prove the two of them to be lovers and yet they somehow knew each other in a very close proximity type of way which meant she may be his sister Lee's heart quickens at the thought a light of hope that shouldn't have shined within him was blindingly bright he shakes his head then continues on his way over to Gunner.... Taijitu wakes up and looks around her she lets out a short soft chuckle as she sits up then says "I half expected to be covered in those little paper air fresheners it's nice to know I don't smell as bad as I thought!"  Yin replies "we were fresh out"  she laughs Barney and Lee both turn their heads and look at them Lee smiles and shakes his head as Taijitu starts a conversation with the men who surround her including Lee and Barney in the conversation as they all get to know each other laughing and chatting about random things.... once they landed Lee offered Taijitu a ride home "as long as you don't mind my horrid stench I'd love one!"  she says he laughs they walk over to his red and white Ducati Desmosedici RR he climbs on then tries to hand her his helmet which she declines he shrugs then places it in his saddle bag his body quivers and tingles slightly as she climbs on behind him then wraps her arms around his waist "is this ok?!.... I can put my hands on your shoulders if that would be more comfortable for you"  she asks softly into his ear "no.... it's fine!"  he replies with a tone that sounded like he just came up for air she smiles and he starts up the bike and drives off following the directions she gave him to her small ranch house she thanks him for the ride then climbs off and waves as she walks towards the front door he waves back with a smile as he tries to catch his breath he really needs to train his body not to react the way it does when she's around..... after a long really HOT shower and and a change of clothes.... she burned her boat outfit in her fireplace.... Taijitu went for a walk and while halfway through said walk she hears and sees a familiar red and white race bike and calls out "hey Lee!"   the bike stops when the driver hears her voice and the man turns to face her and asks "what are you doing out this late?!"  she replies as she walks over to him "after being in the boat for three months I think I earned some decent fresh air!"  he chuckles then says "that explains why you didn't take the helmet"  she replies "I really didn't want to know how horrid I smelled!"  he laughs his eyes widen as she walks into the spotlight of the street lamp and he says with a worried tone "you're all red!"  she replies "yeah I didn't use any cold water"  he looks at her oddly "I took a REALLY hot shower!"   she tells him he chuckles and she saw a hint of relief in his eyes "not that it's any of my business but.... is everything alright?!"   she asks "no.... thank you.... yeah everything's fine!"  he replies she looks at him with a worried expression on her face "relationship troubles nothing to concern yourself with"   he tells her "anyone who doesn't have the patience to wait for you is a idiot!"  she says he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I'm sorry I should let you get home you're probably exhausted"  she says "yeah!.... I mean not really but having you around at this time might not be a good idea"   he replies sheepishly she looks at him oddly then says "goodnight Lee"  he replies with a sigh "good night Taijitu"   then watches her walk away she takes a few steps then stops when she hears him ask with a hint of nervousness in his tone "you feel like a ride?!"  she turns and asks with a smile "what happened too "having you around at this time might not be a good idea"?!"  he chuckles then replies "I just don't feel like being alone at the moment"  she walks over and once again climbs on behind him this time taking the offered helmet not because she wanted to but because she didn't want him to worry about her safety though for some odd reason she felt very safe with him....

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