Chapter 1: My child hood

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Lots of little kids want to be princesses but I didn't want to be a princess, I needed it. When I was a little girl I remember watching Cinderella and asking my mom and dad, "so she just gets to be a princess now?"

My dad responded and said, "yeah a real princess."

"Does she also get to live in a castle," I say in excitement.

"She sure does," My mom says with a great big smile on her face probably think that these are the little moments in life that are so precious. Mom is to nice and a little cliché for that matter.

"And never has to worry about anything ever again," I say.

"That's right happily ever after," my dad responds.

"And they're," I begin to say but my mom cuts me off and says "in love forever."

With a little evil smirk on my face I say "no. They hella ballin. Fuckin loaded. Dat white horse money."

Yeah, most kids grow out of their princess obsession. But not me I never give up.

That's the end of this part and I also wanted to say this is inspired by Various Artists on WEBTOON. Go check it out.

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