Part 9~ first date

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Next morning- I woke to a text from Chris. 


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

After responding, I got up and jumped in the shower. Afterwards I threw on a pair of jeans, a nice top and Chris's hoodie that I still had. I put on my converses, did my hair in a neat but messy bun and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother with makeup. I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys.

Y/n- "I'm going out!"
M- "and where do you think your going?"

Shit. I was hoping she wouldn't ask. I turned my head to see mum behind me on the stairs.

Y/n- "to see my friend"
M- "can you at least ask next time?"
Y/n- "sure. Sorry mum. Bye"
M- "bye honey. Be safe!"

She called out as I ran out the door. I got in my car and drove to Chris's house. I parked and went and knocked on the door. Which Bryan answered.

B- "good morning"
Y/n- "good morning. How are you?"
B- "I'm good. Chris will be ready in a minute. I think he's fussing with his hair"
C- "nope I'm all good"
Y/n- "looking handsome"
C- "and you look beautiful. Is that my hoodie?"
Y/n- "it might be"
C- "that's okay. It looks better on you anyways"

I smiled.

B- "enjoy your date"

Bryan smiled at us as we left the house. Chris drove us down to a small restaurant. It was a casual place. We walked in and got a window seat. We looked at the menu before ordering. While we were waiting for our food, Chris and I were talking.

C- "so when you become a famous singer, don't forget about me"
Y/n- "I would never"

I placed my hand over his. We were holding hands on-top of the table, we made eye contact with each other. His eyes are beautiful to stare into. I wanted to kiss him... But the waiter brang us our food. We ate our food and afterwards Chris took us back to the dream la house. I stayed at his house for a couple hours. We laid in bed and watched movies together. It was unfortunately time for me to leave and Chris walked me to my car.

Y/n- "thank you for today"
C- "it was amazing"

He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

C- "goodnight beautiful"

I smiled and could feel my cheeks getting warmer from blushing.

Y/n- "goodnight Chris"

I hoped in my car and drove back home.

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