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A/N: To those who were patient and didn't give up on me...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡ I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS NEW CHAPTER AND I HOPE I DON'T DISSAPOINT YOU ALL!

I woke up. Something stirred me from my sleep. It was persistent, I need to know what was it.

I began to move my body slowly. First my fingers and toes. Then my arms and legs until I could finally move everything. My eyes were still closed. I was afraid to open them. I was afraid of what I might see. I took one deep breath and slowly opened my eyes. I wish I hadn't.

The room looked familiar but the figure laying on the bed didn't. I squinted my eyes to see if I got a better look at it. The figure moved a bit until I could finally recognize his face. He didn't look like himself.

"My poor baby..."I whispered. I rushed towards him, creating a small draft in the room. As I kneeled on the bedside, I brushed his hair softly. "I'm so sorry, Robert." His hair was worn shorter and he grew out his goatee. Hints of grey were in his beard and hair. He has lost so much weight.

He leaned into my touch, stirring ever so slightly in his sleep. "Arwen..." he began to inhale my scent. I smiled and kissed him on his forhead.

"Yes, Robbie?"

"I miss you, Arwen." his voice croaked.

I looked guiltily at him. "I miss you too...It's time to wake up. Come on, baby. Let's get up." I slipped my arm under his back and used my other to grab his arm. "You can do it." Robert's brows creased as he tried to sit up with all his strength. His arms slightly trembled as if he were to fall back on the bed. "Don't worry, I've got you."

Robert finally sat up, his back against the headboard. I fixed the pillow on his back so he would be more comfortable. I was startled by the sound of Evans' voice.

"Robert! You sat up on your own! That's a miracle!" Evans beamed. He hasn't changed much, he grew a beard again. He walked towards Robert with a tray of food. I gasped as he went right through me, it felt so weird. Evans paused for a second and shivered before he pulled out a chair.

"I had a dream. Arwen was here." Robert explained as Evans placed the tray on his lap. Evans stayed quiet for a moment.

"I miss her too, Robert." Evans grabbed the spoon and was about to feed him when Robert told him to stop.

"I can do it on my own." He said, he took the spoon and shakily sipped some broth. I reached over and slid my hand on his, steadying his hand. I felt him go slightly rigid as he stared at his hand. He can feel me.

"This is really good progress, Robert." Evans grinned at him as he ate on his own. "It's been months...do you think you can stand on your own?" He asked as Robert finished the broth.

"I can try to stand." He said. Evans took the tray and placed it on the nightstand. Robert took off the covers, with my help he was able to sit up on the side of the bed.

"Alright, lets try to stand up." I wrapped an arm around his waist and held on his arm. Just as Evans was about to help him up, he stared in awe at Robert. "Wow..."

Robert's signature smirk grew on his face. There's the Robert I've been waiting for. "Well...do you need any help getting into the shower?" He asked.

He shook his head no. He should at least have a chair to sit in the shower. As if Chris read my mind, he suggested a chair.

"You may have the strength to stand up but not for long. Take small steps, Robert. Don't go too fast." He said as he grabbed a chair and went to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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