"Hey there, Delilah"

Start from the beginning

He would always write songs. He always loved music, he was great at the piano. Don't get me started on how amazing he is at the guitar. I sometimes ask if he could teach me. Of course he would.
The first time I held a guitar was when he suddenly dropped it. I don't know what happened to him, that guitar was very special to him. Why would he drop it?..

After that I slowly started learning on how to play the guitar. We acutually made a melody, but we never got the chance to write a song..

"See? You are a really fast learner. We just made our own melody. Do you want to add some lyrics to it?"

I didn't even got to answer his question when--

"Of course you don't. You are thinking that you can't think of lyrics that fast right? And that your flight is just around the corner?"

Exactly what I was thinking. I just let my head fall onto his bead. My face was covered with signs of sadness.

"Don't dare be sad! Don't worry about the distance. I am always right here when you get lonely!"

He said that then he threw the guitar at my face

"And don't stop practicing the guitar you still suck"

I remember just flipping him off and covered my face with a pillow.

Guess what? I improved in playing the guitar and I will be the one who will throw it to you when I come back. You will be so proud of me. We will write songs. We will glady perform them, in your room of course.

I was shocked when I heard one of your songs on the radio this morning. You really are out here making history. It was the one you wrote about that time when we were talking about life and stuff. That someday we will watch the night sky but on our rooftop.

We weren't even dating by that time, we just knew that our friendship will go that far. Well our friends would always tease us about that. The little glances and smiles we took. The little things, it's always the little things that notice. They will tease us about it.

"GOD! Just date already you two" they always say that.
But you and me will just laugh it out, point at each other and tell them "In his/her dreams!"
We loved eachother but hated at the same time.

You're right. Two more years left and I am done with art school. Those years are so hard.. and you know all about it. barely got any sleep because I needed to finish commisions.

"I know these times are getting hard, but believe me girl. We'll have it good and the life we knew we would. So chin up and go to fucking sleep"

That is what you always say. Though looking at back it now. Why were you telling me to go to sleep when you were awake?? Dork.
But when I don't do anything I can't even sleep. So you send me records of your songs.

"Close your eyes. Just listen to my voice, it's my disguise and imagine that I am just by your side."

I really love your songs. Really. Especially your voice? Don't get me started.

A thousand miles do really seem really far don't you think? But it didn't felt like it, you of all people was the one I got attached to the most. Well, I am not even surprised.. We stayed in touch, even if you are over there and I am over here.

I slowly shifted to sleep as I was listening to one of your records.. I woke up when I felt the bus stop suddenly.
I am finally here.. I can't wait to tell you everything..

I walked off the bus, thanked the driver. I slowly made my way inside the church.

Just in time

Your mom went to me as soon as she saw me come in

"Delilah.. I am so glad you managed to come just in time.."

I just simply nodded I left my suitcase and bags just by the door. I walked towards you and smile

"I really can't believe your next meeting will be like this.."

Me too mom.. me too

Your mom already told me you passed away that morning..
The same day I was coming to visit you.
The same day I was gonna show you my guitar skills
The same day we were gonna go stargazing
The same day I was going to eat with you
The same day I was going to tell you I love you

That was last week

Hey Constell..
Every night I still come to our favorite place,
I might sound crazy but I talk to the stars..
You hear me right?..

Your mom sent me a recording.. you know?
That was the recording I slept to when I was in the bus
It was labeled
"Hey there Delilah"

Hey there, Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all

You used the melody we made..
I'm a bit mad since I didn't got to write the lyrics with you..
You will always be here by my side.
Your songs, your smiles, your everything.
I fell inlove with you, now I'll be yours.
Even though you are in a better place.
I will always be yours..

Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I'm here but.. It can't shine without you now..

Song on repeat
I still stargaze with you in mind.
I wll talk to you every night whilst looking at the stars.

Do you hear me play the guitar?
Do you see me performing your song?
Do see me stargazing?
Are you here with me right now?
Do you know that I love you?

A gust of wind kissed my face whilst looking up from the sky..

Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely

I'll take that as yes..

There's shooting stars that'll be showing up today..
You're here right?
I suddenly felt cold depsite wearing a jacket..

Stay by my side, Constell Boreale..

Hey There, DelilahWhere stories live. Discover now