The Meeting

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(This is what lumen wears and what she looks like.)

(Setauket 1763) this will put Ben at about 9 years old

Remember Benjamin to come home before nightfall I hear my father say, I will! I shout back already out the door, i meet up with Caleb, Abe and Anna. We head to the woods to play hide and seek. Abe goes first to count! Says Caleb, how high should I count? Asks Abe, 30 seconds should be fine says Anna. He turns to face the nearest tree and starts counting 1 2 3 4... we all scatter to hide I run as far as I can and hide under a small cliff little did I know I'd be hiding there for awhile. The sun was setting and I still wasn't found so I got up and tried to find my way back much to my luck it started raining.

Where is Benny boy? I ask Abe and Anna, we haven't found him yet and the sun is setting Anna says, well we better keep looking says Abe. We continue searching for him the sun is already setting (dammit Ben where did you go) I thought to myself it just started raining and we still haven't found him, we best be heading back says Abe. We will tell Reverend Tallmadge about this and search tomorrow the rain is to hard to see in I say we all headed back without Benny boy.

REALLY OLD MAN! I say shout to my grandpa (God) my Devil face flashing in anger as it starts raining, I compose myself and continue walking towards my small home I stop when I hear whimpers and sniffling I follow the sound to see a little blonde boy shivering, excuse me young human what are you doing out here all alone? I ask kneeling down to him. He looks at me with puffy blue eyes from crying and says I was playing hide and seek with my friends and they couldn't find me and now I'm lost. Well sweetie why don't you come with me with me to get out of this rain my home isn't far I say holding out my hand his smaller hand grabs mine we stand up and continue walking, what's your name young human? Benjamin Tallmadge, what about you miss? He asks I'm lumen pleasure to meet you Benjamin, poor human is still shivering. I come to a standstill and say Benjamin I'm gonna show you something it'll help keep you warm ok? (I'm glad I didn't cut my wings off yet) I think. Alright, he says I pick him up and fold my wings around him trapping in heat and carry on walking he looks so amazed I can tell he has a lot of questions but he can barely hold his head up. You can sleep Benjamin I say he puts his head on my shoulder and dozes off. (Poor thing) I think to myself as I reach my home.

Lumen picks me up (she's strong for a woman) I thought, I see two huge wings fold around me making it warmer. I have so many questions but I'm struggling to stay awake, "you can sleep Benjamin" lumen says softly. I put my head on her shoulder and fall asleep.
(The next morning)
I feel a cold hand pressing against my head I open my eyes and see lumen looking down on me, I'm just just making sure your not sick she says, am I? I ask, no you are not she says withdrawing her hand she gets up to finish what appears to be breakfast (she's wearing men's clothing how interesting) I thought. Why do you have wings? I ask, she walks to me and hands me a plate of apple slices and some bread and says this might be hard for you to understand but I'm not exactly human I'm a fallen angel... Lucifer's daughter actually. Your a demon? I say with wide eyes dropping the plate and shuffling as far back into the headboard as I can, my father is a reverend he says demons are terrible beings.

"My father is a reverend he says demons are terrible beings" says the young human, I didn't mean to scare him, I'm a little hurt by what he said but I don't let it show. I gently place my hand on his quivering knee and softly say not all demons are bad Benjamin our job as demons is to actually keep the evil from escaping into the human world, he relaxes a bit I also hate to tell you my grandpa actually doesn't do anything but sit up in the clouds all day like the scum he is. Your grandpa is god? He asks. Yes, he is I can explain more another time but I think we should get you home your family is probably worried sick about you, your clothes are hanging by the fireplace why do you get dressed I'll get my horse ready and we'll leave I stand up to walk out the door I stop in the door way and tell him the stables are behind the house when your ready and with that I leave.

I just met a demon I say to myself buttoning up my jacket, I walk outside and see lumen waiting with a big black horse with the longest mane I've ever seen. Wow he's huge! I say with excitement, he puts his big head down for me to pet him I giggle a little when he licked my hand, she smiles a bit and says his name is Grim, let's get you on this horse she says and picks me up and puts me on his bare back (She rides without a saddle she must be strong) she then leads him over to a tree stump and mounts onto Grim I remain in front of her, why do you wear men's clothing? Well it's easier to get around in and also a dress wouldn't be good, the corset would cause a lot of pain with my wings. She put her arm around me and held the reins in one hand she squeezed Grim and we were off.
(A few moments later)
As we reached the town people stared at us one man shouts What are you doing with reverend Tallmadge's boy?! I'm fine peter we are on our way to see my dad I got lost yesterday and Miss Lumen took me in. If you'll excuse us sir I have a young human to return I hear lumen say, Grim gives a snort at the man he backs away, she squeezed him into a walk, tell me Benjamin where do you think your dad is? At the church maybe we can check there first I reply, Grim breaks into the canter as we go to the church.

We get to the church I halt Grim and jumped down from my 17'0 horse (side note:that would be 5'8 in human height)  I then picked Benjamin up and off the horse and set him down he grabbed my hand as we walked into the church, I roll my eyes (I can't believe people actually build a house to praise my lazy grandpa) sure enough there was a man mumbling a bunch of prayers, FATHER! Says the young human, he turns around I let go of bens hand he runs to his dad. I quickly slip out of the church and swing up onto my horse and gallop off, the divine and humanity don't mix I try to stay as far away from humans as I can, I've had lovers and friends that died before me so I try not to interact.

Where did you go Benjamin? My father asks. I got lost but the nice lady over here took me in I say turning to introduce Lumen but she's gone, I feel sad but I'm excited to tell my dad I met a demon and learned some things.

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