"well cool down cause it's about to get good." he winks again and she playfully nudged at him, "get a life, you doofus."

"olivia i do have a life. it revolves around making you smile and finding my dad." her eyes softened, about the sad part but played it off as if it didn't affect her like it did, "me? you're too kind." she sighs dreamily. after a bit of silence olivia speaks up again, "we're gonna find him john b." and his smile is the brightest she's seen it in such a long time.

the bus came to a stop and the horn beeped whilst olivia stared out the window. "let's ride." jj's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "oh not tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber!" olivia groaned playfully. "shut up you bitch, get in the back." jj rushes towards her side. "no queen rides shotgun you get in the back bitch." she scoffs, "i'll fight you to the death olivia cameron, get your little ass in the back." and that almost caused a big argument between the two best friends but pope, being his awesome lifesaving self had pulled jj with him to get in the back.

kiara's stop was next, pope came out of the wreck and told the three of them she wasn't coming. "what'd you do olivia?" jj quickly assumed it was her and she sighed heavily. "jj if you would kindly shut up. i'll go talk to her. she likes me better anyway" she hopped out and turned back to look at jj with a warning look."jj if you take my seat i'll kill you in front of a live studio audience!" he snickered and got into the front seat anyway.

after some serious begging and pleading coming from olivia to kiara, she finally gave in with a groan and olivia walked out with a triumphant look on her face and a grumpy looking kie holding onto her hand. "better than you could ever do heyward." she giggled and pushed kiara into the back. "jj i told you i'd kill you if you took my spot." she said with faux anger in her voice so she got in the back and put him into a chokehold. "give me my spot back or i'll tighten."

"that's. what. she. said." he pretended like he could barely breath and she laughed, "you're lucky you're sexy maybank or you'd be dead." and in that moment john b's heart dropped within him, was olivia just a flirty type of person or did she actually like jj? he didn't know but he pushed those feelings aside because there was no possible way olivia cameron liked someone like jj maybank. no matter if he was sexy or not.

"she's just kidding john b, don't worry." kiara whispered to him as she placed a hand to squeeze his shoulder reassuringly with. he shrugged, "yeah i know." that kind of relieved him but he still felt that pit in his stomach.

the two best friends would playfully argue about whatever they could and pope tried shutting them up. anyone in their right mind would know everytime pope yelled at the two, kiara's eyes would roll because it seemed like she was the only one who knew there was no way of shutting up her two best friends.

it was nighttime by the time john b had gathered the pogues back together in the volkswagen and drove to wherever he was going. olivia's eyes dropped from the tiredness that was overcoming her and she was pulled back to reality once her best friend spoke up as he was rolling a blunt.

"you mind if i relax on this one? it's been a long day and a lot of weird stuff's gone down, i'm just gonna lay low. oh did you want a hit of this?" jj turned his attention towards pope who had the same look of tiredness on his face as olivia but it fell into more of a bitch face when jj started talking to him. "i keep the signal clear." olivia thinks it's because the boy doesn't want to jeopardize his plans at a life that he can make a career out of... probably.

"dude, okay. do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? if you got creative, then—"

"jj no one wants to hear—" olivia cut him off but then she was cut off by john b, "look, i-i know i was wrong about the lighthouse, alright? and pretty much wrong about everything else going on but i-i was right about one thing. okay? my dad is trying to tell me something." her head lulled back listening to him talk and once she heard his voice turn into an echo and suddenly disappear, she was asleep with her head against the window.

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