Episode Two:The Blue Scarf Army

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(The Chinni and Arctic were sparring in the ships training room)

Chinni:That the best you can do!

(Chinni fired a ki blast)

Arctic:No it isnt! (He blocked it) But my second form is a bit too bulky

Chinni:Maybe you should use it more it would allow you to get used to the bulk of the form wouldnt it


(Arctic fired a beam at Chinni as he won the sparring match)

(The trio landed on a ship rumored to have a tournament with a good prize)

Chinni:Uhhh who are you guys

Blue Scarf Soldier 1:Soldiers of the legendary Blue Scarf Army

Soldier 2:And we're claiming this planet for Lord Fridge

Arctic:An Arcosian name?

Pinach:Kinda annoying for us we sorta want to get the tournament money

Soldier 1:Well you arent getting it

Chinni:Listen we could really do with you two not ruining our livelyhoods so we'll give you five minutes

Soldier 2:Or what

(Chinni powered up her power level being revealed as 9000)

Soldier 1:Uhhh! How could you conceal a power like that!

Chinni:I just didnt show my 100% power these two know it since we have scouters too Arctics home planet is the main exporter of them

Soldier 1:Well your all going down

Pinach:You sure about that I guess I have to fight

(Pinach powered up to 100% his power level being 6000)

Soldier:6000 AND 9000!

Arctic:Yeah I force Pinach to train with me daily and Chinni works out a lot

(Arctic powered up to his first forms maximum power level 7000)

(The soldiers called for their commander)

Commander:Why would you call me for three warriors cant you handle them alone

(He saw their power levels)

Commander:Now I see why you imbeciles called for me

(He powered up to a power level of 10000)

Arctic:We can take em


(Pinach and Chinni took out the soldiers with ease due to the soldiers joint level of 3000 as Arctic fired a Ki Wave at the commander which he took the brunt of the damage of)

Commander:That was a strong one...

(The commander charged a ki shot at Arctic)

Arctic:My scouter!

(The commander then fired a strong blast at Pinach which knocked him out)

(Chinni then went to try and punch the commander who threw her towards a building)

Arctic:You hurt my two friends one of which I've known for 2 years fuck it I guess I'm going all out

(Arctic began growing and transforming in to his second form his power level rising to 12000)

Commander:You can transform!? I've seen Supreme Leader Fridge transform but a lowlife like you!

Arctic:This is called the result of two years of training...

(Arctic fired a full power energy wave at him which the commander rellied with his own attack which started a clash in the city)



Commander:NO YOU ARE!

(The clash destroyed a few buidings)


(The clash ended in a tie)

Commander:Your pretty strong Arcosian why waste it with two weak saiyans

Arctic:Pinach has helped me realise I dont need to spend all year doing tournaments he taught me now to relax and Chinni is a training partner and shes stronger than my base form

Commander:So sentimental reasons man your a idiot!

(Arctic fired a giant blast of ki the commander took all the damage from which killed him)


(He took the saiyans back to the ship and a few hours later the duo woke up)

Arctic:You two need to begin training more he bodied you two!

Pinach:What did you have in mind then

Chinni:I'm in

Arctic:First gravity training x10 to start with

(3 hours in to Arctics training



(The duo powered up to 100% Pinaches power level was now 7500 and Chinnis was 10500)

Arctic:Chinni your almost as strong as my second form and Pinach you've surpassed my current form man you two want a break

(The trio ate with Pinach eating 10 bowls and chinni eating 11 bowls)

Pinach:Arctic another one!

Arctic:Breaks over!

(They went back to training)

(6 hours later this time)

Arctic:Thats it for today aaand 11000 for Pinach and 12000 for Chinni! Christ and Chinni mind using your scouter

Chinni:10000 for you Arctic at least in your first form

Pinach:Sooo whats next on the agenda

Arctic:Wanna take down the blue scarf guys we could be seen as heroes for it.

Chinni:True and maybe we could get paid for it

Pinach:Sounds cool and hey Arctic why are my clothes heavy

Arctic:Put weights in them since you need to keep training


Arctic:30 KG also its only your shirt

Chinni:Is that why my bracelets are heavier!

Arctic:Yup just trust me on this one you two

Pinach:Of course I will but I expect a 20 course dinner


Arctic:Fine I'll let you get at least that

Pinach:I'll hold you to that


Arctic:I hate saiyan appetites sooo fucking much

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