Nightmares and Worries pt. 2

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⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️:Mentions of self-harm, bullying and cursing. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!


Lagravis woke up. He looked at his alarm clock. 7.27 am. He got up and changed into some clothes. He didn't really even care what he was wearing, since he would probably be inside all day. He made his way to the kitchen. He wanted coffee. No. He NEEDED coffee. He can't fully wake up without it. And it seems that his son is following in his footsteps. "Not sure if it's a clever idea to let a teenager drink coffee." Lagravis thought as he was making coffee "Oh well..."                ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Laval woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Geez, what time is it?" he muttered and glanced at his alarm clock. 7.49 am, "Why did i wake up so early" he wondered and streched a little.

"Well there's no point going back to sleep,since my alarm would go off in about an hour" he thought as he got up and made his way to the closet. "hmm, what should I wear" after thinking for awhile, he decided to go with black jeans and a dark blue long-sleeve shirt. "is it too dark?" he thought as he looked at his outfit from his mirror. "Nah,I'll go with it."

Before leaving his room for breakfast (in other words coffee) he made sure that his sleeves weren't rolled up. "He can't see them"                                                                                                                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Good morning son" Lagravis said while sipping his coffee. "Mornin' Dad" Laval yawned and poured coffee into a mug. "I see you didn't find your comb this morning" Lagravis chuckled while looking at Laval's hair, which was sticking in EVERY direction. " I was too tired to find it." Laval answered, still a little sleepy.

That's when Lagravis remembered his dream. "Laval, how are you feeling? I have noticed that you haven't been as happy and cheery as before. And you don't eat as much as you used to." Laval fell silent. "does he know? No, he couldn't, I have been so careful" Lagravis noticed his somewhat troubled face "Is everything okay?" "Y-yea everything's fine. I-I promise"

Lagravis knew that everything wasn't okay, based on his face and shaky voice. He sat next to his son and put a hand on his shoulder. Laval flinched a little. "weird" Lagravis thought. "Laval, you know that you can talk to me about everything. No matter what, I'll always listen to you."

Laval was looking at his now empty coffee mug, lost in his own thoughts. "Okay, he suspects that something is wrong. Just take a deep breath and assure him that nothing's wrong. Yea, great plan" 

Laval didn't realize that he had been silent for a while, so Lagravis was getting more suspicious "Laval,answer truthfully, are you ok?" Lagravis asked while putting his hand on Laval's wrist, which caused Laval to give a quick "Ouch" Laval mentally slapped himself "Great job dumbass, now he knows." Laval, are you hurt?" Lagravis asked,concerned. "Uhmm, I hurt my hand uhmm at school, don't w-worry about it, it's nothing serious." Laval assured. "Let me see" Lagravis said while reaching for his wrists. Laval pulled his hands closer to him. "It's nothing serious, d-don't worry" "Laval, show me your wrists" Lagravis raised his voice "No, like I said,it's nothing."

"You fucking idiot! How hard was it to just keep it all hidden, you can't do anything right!" Laval mentally cursed to himself. "" Lagravis demanded "No"

"Fine then"

Lagravis yanked Laval's wrists and started rolling his sleeves. Laval tried to get his hands free, but Lagravis wasn't letting go. "Laval, stop moving." Lagravis demanded. "No!" Then Laval tried to run from the kitchen, but Lagravis reacted quickly and yanked him back. Now there was no way for Laval to run. Lagravis rolled Laval's long sleeves up (although Laval resisted) and gasped. 

There were cuts. Many cuts. Old ones. New ones. Some looked like they were from months ago, some like they were cut yesterday. There were little scratches and deep ones. There were so many of them that his skin could not be seen. Lagravis stared in horror. Laval was staring at the ground. There it was. His deep,dark secret. A secret he had been carrying for months now. He just wanted to crawl into a hole and cry.

Finally Lagravis spoke up. "Laval, my son, why?" he asked in a somewhat shaky tone (pretty unusual for him) "Why do you do this?" Laval didn't answer, tears forming in his eyes. "I-I'm s-s-sorry dad, I c-can't help it" Laval whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. Lagravis wrapped his son in a bear hug. "It's okay Laval, it's okay. I'm not mad, I'm just worried. I promise I'll help you through this. It's okay. Shhh." Laval was sobbing against his father's shoulder. After a while, Laval broke the hug.

"I'll go get the first aid kit." Lagravis said. Laval sat back down on the chair. After a little while, Lagravis came back. He sat down next to Laval and started cleaning the cuts. After that he bandaged them. "All done" he muttered.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Laval was silent once again. "Did you have a fight with someone?" Laval shaked his head "Did you and Li'ella break up?" Laval shaked his head again.

"Does someone bully you?"

Laval's face dropped. "Who is it?" In his mind he swore that he would hunt down this person who bullied his son into this state. "N-no one" Laval muttered "Laval, please tell me, who is bullying you" Laval was hesitant for a bit. "H-he is in my class" his lip trembled "Laurentius" tears rolled down his cheeks, once again. "It's okay, I'll call the school and let them know. I promise that he will face consequences from his actions"


Well hello there! Thanks for reading! (even though this was kinda depressing and sad) I'm gonna do a third part of this, so stay tuned :) I have also been working on another oneshot, it might come out before the third part, don't know yet. Have a nice day you beautiful person!💖

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