Water Fight

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A/N (I recently had a water fight with my family and the idea came to me. So here we are. Anyway back to the story.)
To clear somethings up-
Vivian- my MC.
Cazian (Caz for short) - Vivian's boa constrictor familiar.
Okay now for the story
The sun beats down on the city. It's on of the hottest days of the summer. Lots of shops have already closed due to the heat. Everyone is flocking to the beach to try and cool off in this unrelenting heat.

So hot. Cazian stretches himself on the counter trying to cool off.

"I know buddy. Here." I conjure up a block of ice for him to sleep on.

Thanking you. He slithers form the counter to the ice block on the floor.

Earlier today Countess Nadia invites me and Asra to her private beach. I can wait to cool of in the water. I finish closing up the shop and head up to change. I pick out a small, thin white dress. It hardly counts as a dress, more of a longer shirt. There are a few gems on it, one on the hip and one on each shoulder. I bought it earlier today when I found out we were going to the beach.

 I bought it earlier today when I found out we were going to the beach

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When I exit the room Asra is waiting for me. "Ready?" He asks.

"Yep let's go." I head down the stairs.

Faust has joined Cazian on the ice block. They're curled up together trying to stay cool.

"You two gonna stay here?" I ask.

Cazian lazily lifts his head and nods, before settling down with his head next to Faust's.

"Ok see you later then, stay out of trouble Caz." I rub Caz's head as I leave.

I place a protection spell on the shop while Asra locks the door and hand in hand we make our way to the beach.

So many people pack the public beach, most are splashing in the surf and some are lounging on the sand. It seems like the whole of Vesuvia is gathered at the beach today. Eventually we come across the small woods that hide Countess Nadia's private beach. The guards nod at us as we enter. The trees provide some much needed shade and the light breeze feels good against my sun baked skin.

Asra and I break through the tree line to a small hidden beach. The sound of chatter and laughter ring out across the sand. Julian and Portia are splashing each other in the water. Nadia is reclining in an expensive looking beach chair. Two of her sisters sit in similar chairs. Princess Natiqa and Princess Nasmira.

"Asra! Vivian! Glad to see you could make it!" Nadia waves is over. "Nothing like a relaxing day at the beach to beat the heat right?"

"Yeah thanks for inviting us, Nadi." Asra says.

"Anytime, and if you wish to come back in the future this place is always open to you." Nadia smiles.

"Thank you Nadia. I'll keep that in mind." I say.

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