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After my last customer, I was done with my shift.

I'd met a girl who was fine as hell but I didn't even get her name.

I headed to my mamma's house so I could check on her. She wasn't doing too well.

Just as I pulled up, my older brother Tyler called me.

Tyler: aye bro, pops want you to make a drop. I can't do it.

Tymir: why the fuck not? Im at mamma's house right now.

Tyler: too fucking bad my nigga. go by the trap to pick it up.

He hung up before I got to cuss his ass out. Pops could wait though. I needed to check on my moms

"Mamma! Where you at?" I didn't get a response. My mind automatically feared the worst.

I went upstairs and saw her laid out in the bathroom on the floor.

"MAMMA! GET UP! DONT DO THIS SHIT TO ME!" She had no pulse.

She's gone. She's really fucking gone. I called an ambulance and waited for them to show up. Tyler showed up not long after.

"Bro, what the fuck man. How this shit happen?" I just ignored him as I began to walk to my car.

"Excuse me sir. You're under arrest for the murder Tyana Sims. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court."

"Y'all crackers think I killed my mamma? That is complete bullshit. Racist ass niggas."

They out of they damn mind if they think I really killed my own moms. That shit don't even add up.

I rode in the police car, angry as ever.

Today was completely fucked up.

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