Noire: *Blushes*. N-N-No it doesn't!! 

Enceladus: Less embarrassing yourselves and more looking. 

Noire: He's right.

*Back to Saturn*.

Mehki: Hey?! Saturn?! Are you there?!

Saturn: Yep, what do you see?

Mehki: Auberon is on his way. 

Saturn: Get to my location now!

Mehki: Got it, on my way now!

Sari: Found it!

Neptune: Finally let's open it and get this over with.

Sari: Don't! 

Neptune: Why?

*Facility Talks*.

Facility: Who dares to gain control!?

Neptune: Hi?

Facility: Activate removal protocols. *Gun flip from the walls, ceilings, and lights*. Identification required!

Perdita: *Walks in*. Stand down.

Facility: Host found, standing down. *Shuts down the weapons*.

*Brings in the other members, throws them from the ceiling*.

Rom: Ouch!

Ram: What gives?!

Uni: oh, hey guys?

Nepgear: The host is a robot?

Noire: How is he alive?!

Blanc: The machines are keeping him alive.

Vert: No surprises there.

Perdita: Why are all of you in my house?!

Saturn: So you're the safe keeper of the Liqikous?

Noire: We are...

Perdita: Save it, I know all of your names and history behind all of you. My eyes can scan anyone and give me everything on you.

Noire: Sounds like someone I know.

Perdita: I am not like that pervy Anonydeath you remember. I am not programmed for that kind of act.

Sachiko: You could be.

Perdita: If I ever were, my programming would be deleted and I would cease to exist. It would be scrapped and changed to another being like me. What are you doing here anyway?

Saturn: To kill the Liqikous.

Perdita: I was rebuilt into this machine body to protect and guide the Liqikous into life.

Sari: You don't get it? Once this thing comes out of its liar, it will kill everyone. Including you!

Perdita: Very well, But I require some payment.

Saturn: What is it?

Perdita: The DNA of the Liqikous. I need to study it.

*The base shakes*.

Perdita: We have a deal?

Neptune: Deal!

Saturn: Fine... Can you activate the defenses?

Perdita: I already have.

*All of the base defenses turn on shooting at the conqueror army*.

Cannon Fodder: FOR AUBERON!!!!!

Saturn meets Neptunia: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now