"Bakugo, you wish you were as good at tossing down the aisle as me!" Denki exclaimed pridefully. Sero snickered, shoving him just enough to make him stumble. He pushed Sero back with a playful glare. "You're a riot, Denki." Y/n cackled. "See, Y/n enjoys my quips and query's!" Denki huffed. "See, I was with you then you said 'quips and query's' and you lost me." Y/n scrunched her face making Jirou snort. "She isn't wrong, bud." Kirishima patted Denki's back. He slumped over, dejected but not really.

"Oi, hurry up. We'll be late." Bakugo stated, picking up the pace. "I promise, you'll get used to it." Kirishima lightly elbowed Y/n. She looked at him with furrowed brows. Whatever that meant. "Yeah, lets go!" Mina cheered making Y/n shake off the thought.

"Midoriya, I need to speak with you. Everyone else, continue to go over the lesson with Midnight." Aizawa announced, walking out the door as Midnight walked in. "Alright kiddies, let's get you into shape." Midnight said, giving a look that only Midnight could give. The boys went wild, no surprise there. Midoriya stood up, gulped, then followed Aizawa out. Y/n followed him out just as Bakugo and Todoroki did.

"Do people get called out of class often?" She asked Kirishima. "Not really." He responded, not thinking much of it. Y/n hummed, not knowing why her stomach wouldn't settle.

Meanwhile, Aizawa led Midoriya to the teachers lounge. Waiting for them was Allmight and Combustion Man himself.


i need to talk to your kid.

what's the matter?

it'll all be explained when i talk with izuku midoriya.

"Have a seat." Aizawa instructed. Midoriya was so nervous. He absolutely idolized Combustion Man, almost as much as All Might. Combustion Man, real name Kiyoshi Hikoshima, was a tall, tall man measuring at seven foot one. He was big, burly, and intimidating. He had a temple fade connected to a very full beard. His dark skin was nothing to dismiss, tattoos concealing his arms in a sleeve. He wore a nice suit, the sleeves rolled up casually. He had his face in a stone cold rbf. And if you thought his appearance was scary, just wait until he opens his mouth.

"So," his deep voice rattled Midoriya's bones. "You're Izuku Midoriya?" He asked, leaning his elbows on his knees, staring the young boy down. Midoriya straightened up. "Y-yes sir!" He squeaked out. Totally embarrassing.

"Hey, Kiyoshi, cool it on the intimidation? We're all pals here!" All Might patted the hero on the back. Combustion man sighed, loosening up. "You're right Yagi. He's just a kid." He complied. "Am I in trouble..?" Midoriya asked, struggling to keep eye contact. "That depends," Midoriya's heart quickened. "What do you know about Y/n?" He involuntarily tilted his head in confusion. This was about her?

"She's apart of our class and she's new..She's nice?" He listed off. What could this be about? He racked his brain for any possible answer and oh. oh. oh.

"Is this about her quirk?! I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone about it, I don't even know anything about it, only that she has two! I swear I won't say anything, her secret is safe with me! I just happened to hear on the way to class and I just couldn't walk away after hearing that-" "woah woah Young Midoriya, please pace yourself!" All Might interjected. He held his hands out to try and get Midoriya to breath between his words. "So, you did listen in on our conversation." Aizawa hummed, arms crossed. "I didn't expect to hear what I did. I'm sorry." Midoriya looked down.

new girl. | bnhaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें