Chapter 30

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Heyyy how y'all doing...🙃

Now I know I've been gone for a while and honestly I've been having trouble feeling the spark or excitement to upload and write a new chapter, it started feeling like a chore and it would be unfair to give a half effort chapter. Plus I didn't really know where the book was going and ended with writers block.

But idk why but I woke up this morning and got a notification of one of my favourite readers put this book in a list called "books forgotten about" and I read my whole book again and felt the spark again and spent the whole morning creating a storyline to add that makes sense. Instead of having a fixed day to upload I'll do whenever I can since I have exams.

So hope y'all not too mad because I'm so grateful to my readers who won't miss a single chapter and hope you enjoy the new and improved Never to a Maybe. xxx

I was walking down the dark road, no person in sight, although I kept walking. I reached a corner and there was an annoying street lamp that was constantly flickering. I sighed and reached in my bag for my phone. The date was strange my screen read May the 12th. Confused, I looked back alarmed at the date and then saw the digits read 9:32PM. It was the day of the bus crash.

I looked up and automatically recognized the area, it was the area that the crash happened.

Breath Mel.

The day when I changed. I felt goose bumps cover my entire body as the emerging painful memories resurfaced. It would be a matter of minutes before the bus would crash.

Shouts are heard from behind me and I turn around, to see two tall figures fighting near a car parked carelessly in the middle of the road, the passenger door left open hanging on its hinges. The tallest was on top of the other, throwing painful looking punches, getting faster. I start running towards the two, half unsure on what to do.

"Hey stop!" I yelled running but they continued, the one receiving the punches head drops, unconscious. They ignored my whole being as if I wasn't there.

I edge towards the now limb body to get a closer look at the scene but their backs were facing me making it difficult to identify the pair. I quickly check my phone and as soon as I do, the time changes.


My heart thumps in my chest as it rings in my ear. I slowly turn around to see the bus swerve trying to avoid crashing into the car that was left carelessly in front of it. Instead it turns sharply, hitting directly into a tree and tips over.

Everything happens too fast as I watch in disbelief.

My heart sinks as I watch the scene before my very own eyes. Tears start to spring and stream down my face as I sink to my knees. I couldn't stop sobbing or shaking, knowing I was in that bus. Unable to move. Unable to breath.

Nightmares haunt me.

They won't stop.

They just keep coming as if it was a nasty reminder ringing in my brain.

The doctors said I'll get better. The therapists said I'll soon live normally. I was lucky to have no real life changing damage. Really?

I just watched. Watched the driver stumble out of the bus, blood all over his head and drop. Watching the bus explode into flames, it was almost as if my body was on fire. My tears soon turned into bitter one's, frustration and anger. I couldn't bring myself to take my eye's away, no matter how much I was screaming at myself to stop.

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