Chapter 9: A New Friend

Start from the beginning

Al grinned, her hands extended in front of her, enjoying the moment. "I thought you were training me."

"You can life boxes or something else," Red Hawk said, trying to look at her in the eyes, but finding that difficult. He was suspended in the air upside-down in a way to attempt to teach Al a little bit about using her abilities. He and Blue Jay were no Jedi, but seeing things from a different perspective could possibly improve her skills. The whole upside-down thing had been Blue Jays idea. He was now doubled over on the other side of the small room they were stationed in, laughing his ass off at the sight of Red Hawk being lifted by a 13-year-old girl. "Put me down?" After a moment, he added "Please?"

Al sighed and turned her hands, and his world became right-side up again and his face becoming the normal color it was before. "Better?"

"Much, thank you." Red Hawk shook his head to get the blood flowing and picked up his helmet that had been cast aside for this little experiment. "I think you did great."

Al beamed. "Thanks! These sessions are really helping me."

"I'm glad," Red Hawk said with a smile.

"Yeah," Blue Jay chimed in. "You know, since we're not Jedi."

"Well I think it's great! Seeing things from a different point of view that is. I was raised among Jedi, hearing about the Force and all that nonsense. Its nice to hear things from a non-religious point of view."

"Who said we don't have a religion?" Blue Jay said. 

"If alcohol was a religion, you'd be following it." Red Hawk leaned towards Al. "Crusher always said he needed to cut back on his drinking."

"Did he?"

Red Hawk shook his head. "He tried, but he failed."

"I can heard you, you know." Blue Jay stood up staggering, grabbing a nearby crate for balance. "And I do not have a drinking problem."

"Sure. And I'm the senator of Pantora," Red Hawk said with an eye roll. "Al, do you mind taking him up to the barracks? Let Noxx take a look at him."

"What about you?" Al asked while helping Blue Jay to his feet. 

"I have to report to the bridge for something important the general wants me to do."

Blue Jay snorted. "He's using you."

"I know," Red Hawk said with a look that stated pointedly 'not in front of the kid'. Blue Jay got the message and grew quiet. Al noticed nothing and continued to help Blue Jay away talking rapidly about Jedi study sessions and whatnot. Red Hawk watched them go and slowly made his way to the bridge. The slower he took, the longer it gave him time to prepare for talking with Krell. It was always an uphill battle, but he had been through worse and wasn't ready to get pushed around by someone who had no respect or honor whatsoever. He took a deep breath and opened the doors to the bridge. The general aura of the room was dark and downcast. The only sounds were the beeping of monitors and the occasional cough or throat clearing. Red Hawk waited silently to be addressed, knowing that if he said a word before Krell said anything or indicated his presence, someone would get punished or something would get destroying. He waited for a few more minutes before Krell turned from where he stood and locked eyes with Red Hawk. 

"You're late."

"My apologies General Krell," Red Hawk said firmly. He didn't state why because Krell would only see this as an excuse to punish him. 

Krell grumbled something under his breath and strode closer to the clone commander. "I have a task for you. Two padawans will be arriving to take the monthly status update on our battalion. I want you to monitor it for me since I have more important things to do."

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