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📅 day of the match against Karasuno

The team has been training roughly just for today's match against the orange and black team. Through all this training, you have felt yourself get closer to them as an assistant manager. Monitering the member's plays, taking care of them and bonding with them made you feel like you have grown fond and comfortable of each and every one of them.

"Today's match is the one all of you had been training for. Give it the best you've all got!" Coach Nobuteru said, raising his fists in the air. The whole team replied with a "alright!" In unison.


You watched every single move carried out by the players in both teams. Every spike, toss, receive and serve. You observed so closely and yet, Seijoh lost. The ball hit the floor with a soft thud while Oikawa stayed in his receiving position, stunned. The blockers stared in disbelief while he others fell to the floor, panting with disbelief written on their faces. You had never seen the team so out of spirit and destroyed before. Their crushed spirits pulled your heartstrings.

The teams all went and thanked the audience and walked back to their respective benches to get ready to leave. You watched as the members all packed their bags. You had to say something. Anything. Looking at the floor, you tried to think of something. You then looked up to see the whole team gathered infront of you.

"Thank you for everything, y/n!" Everyone shouted in unison. As you stared intently at the whole team with your mouth agape, you felt tears rolling down your cheeks.

"N-no! Thank you! For training hard. For perservering through all those tough excercises and drills. For making me feel proud!" You stuttered, wiping away the unstoppable tears that were rolling down your face.

You were grateful. Grateful that you were forced into this role. Being in the team, you learnt how to step out of your shell and try many new things. You had also learnt that being the manager, even when you were not playing on the court, you had a part to play in the game. It was your role to make sure that the boys took care of themselves and played properly. The journey you had been through with the boys had been rough but all of you had a fair share of fun times. You could not ask for more.

Everyone made their way back to school and was given a short debrief from the coaches. After that, the coaches decided to buy the whole team ramen then went off on their own.

"One more bowl please!" Oikawa asked the chef, putting his bowl on the counter.

"Oi, are you sure? Coach even treated us-"
"Shut up! I need to eat!" Oikawa snapped with a scowl.

Kindachi was crying about how he could not get the ball to Mattsun while the latter and Hajime tried to calm the boy down.

"Have you seen Kunimi and Kyotani?" Hajime asked, sighing.

"They went home," Mattsun simply said.


"I might just puke out my ramen!"
"My sides huuurt..."
"No feints! No feints! Aghhh!"

You tossed and tossed balls like there was no tomorrow. You even spiked a couple and served some with so much strength and force, it left the whole team stunned. Nonetheless, all of you vented out your feelings through volleyball.

"Guys, I have something to say..." Oikawa got all of the 3rd years' attention as they were cleaning.

"Oi! We're trying to end of on a good note-"
"Shut up!"

The whole team stayed quiet.

"Thank you, for this amazing journey!"

You felt yourself tear up again. You saw this coming, Your last moments here, at the indoor gym.

Amongst all the three years you have spent, you felt that your 3rd years were really bittersweet. Because you finally found happiness. Because you learnt new things and stepped out of your own shell. Because you made friends that would stay with you through thick and thin no matter what and you would willingly do so, vice versa.

However, all good things must come to an end. You knew that very well.


After parting ways with Oikawa, (yes you saw that epic bro fist scene) you walked beside Hajime, breathing in the cool night air.

"Thank you for everything..." you cooed as you admired the moon.

"Likewise," Hajime chuckled. The both of you exchanged a smile then looked at another direction. You felt your face flushing 50 shades of red as your heart beat fastened.

"The moon is... beautiful... isn't it?" You softly said as you admired the full moon.

Hajime looked over to you and looked at your eyes that sparkled with the moon's reflection. His heart did flips as you looked over to him with a smile. To him, you looked beautiful under the moonlight. He could not help but feel the corners of his lips twitch into a smile.

"I could die happy"

jshhdidf sorry for updating 2 days later

Also if u didnt get the "the moon is beautiful isnt it?" "I could die happy" literary meaning,

In japanese instead of saying "i love you" directly, saying "tsuki da kirei desune" translation: the moon is beautiful isnt it? is a better way of portraying that phrase. The response would be "shindemo iiwa" translation: i could die happy.

My explanation is abit unclear so it would be better for u to look it up if u wanna know more :D

Also, thanku for 1k on little petal! Im truly grateful uwu
Hope all of u are doing fine during this coronacation <3
Vote n commentt
Love yall <3

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