Each lady in turn introduced herself, their names slipping from my memory almost as soon as they were spoken. Yet, amidst the sea of faces, two stood out like beacons in the night—the effervescent Lady Sunshine, known as Kissa, and the enigmatic figure shrouded in darkness, Jamilah. Though the formalities were observed with courtesy, I couldn't help but sense an undercurrent of disapproval lingering beneath the surface, a silent testament to the complexities of palace politics.

The discussion unfolded, revealing a tapestry of diverse experiences and expertise among the assembled women. Some presided over flourishing textile industries and perfume empires, while others were esteemed healers or held prestigious roles within the temple as revered priestesses. A few were renowned musicians, their talents celebrated far and wide. Each one exuded an aura of accomplishment and purpose, and as I sat among them, a sense of belonging washed over me. There was an undeniable power in their presence—a power that resonated deep within my soul, transcending anything I had ever known before.

As the Queen concluded the meeting, she bestowed upon Lady Kissa and me the responsibility of overseeing trade ventures beyond the palace walls.

The Queen stood, and everyone followed suit. "You must cultivate relationships with these women; their support will prove invaluable in the days to come," the Queen murmured softly as she departed.

In seconds, the others  began to filter out of the room, I made a concerted effort to memorize their names, determined to forge connections that could prove beneficial in the future. Yet, before I could engage with Lady Kissa to discuss our newly assigned task, Lady Jamila approached me, her demeanor guarded and arms folded across her chest.

"You must really think you belong here." her tone laced with thinly veiled disdain.

"What?" I replied, taken aback by her sudden hostility.

"You think you have everyone fooled. If no one will say it, I will. You don't belong here."

Before I could formulate a response, Lady Kissa interjected with a firm tone. "Jamilah, enough!"

"If anyone has anything to say, it shouldn't be you, Kissa. You know nothing about the capital; you have been gone for so long. Our circle shouldn't be just for anyone."

A heavy silence descended upon the room, tension thick in the air as all eyes turned to the three of us. I was left reeling from Jamilah's unexpected outburst, my mind racing as I struggled to comprehend her hostility. And then, in a flash of recognition, it all came flooding back to me—I had encountered Jamilah once before, in Khalid's chambers.

Whatever your opinion of me may be, that's your burden to bear. But I won't tolerate being spoken to in such a manner. We are all ladies here, and you should act like one," my words cutting through the tense atmosphere like a knife.

Her initial shock morphed swiftly into simmering rage, her eyes flashing with a ferocity that threatened to consume us both. If looks could kill, I'd have been felled where I stood.

"Before the situation could escalate further, Lady Dalia, a seasoned priestess with wisdom etched into every line of her face, intervened. With a gentle touch, she rested her hand on Jamilah's shoulder, a silent plea for restraint. Reluctantly, Jamilah acquiesced, though her forced smile held no warmth.

Though I had projected an air of bravery in the face of adversity, Jamilah's barbed words had pierced through my defenses, leaving behind a lingering sting. She may have had a point. Who was I, truly? A princess adrift in a foreign land? A woman without an identity?

"Don't let Jamilah's words get under your skin; she's never been one for making friends," Lady Kissa interjected my puzzled thoughts.

I paused in my tracks, turning to face her with a furrowed brow. "What exactly is her problem?"

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