I smiled and nodded.

Thomas' P.O.V.

I watched Isabelle leave which left her father and I alone in the living room. He got up and went to the bar section of the living room.

"Thomas would you like a beer?" Mr. Bartra offered me

I got up and walked over to him. He handed me a beer.

"Thank you Mr. Bartra." I said

"Don't worry son, call me Enrique." He said

"Thank you Enrique." I said

"I can tell you love my daughter." He said

"I do. I love her and her son." I said

We talked about Isabelle and little bit about my life. We moved on to football. He asked me about my football career and all that stuff.

The door bell rung and he excused himself to answer it. In came Marc, Melissa, Neymar, Davi, Valentina, Marcelo, Ana, Sergio, Juliana, Shakira, Gerard and Milan.

I greeted them and we all headed to the dining room to eat dinner. I sat down in between Marc and Isabelle. The food looked amazing. We said our grace and served ourselves food.

After we were done we went into the living room for present time. We all had gifts for each other. We were all enjoying each others company like one big happy family. Isabelle and I decided to go last since we had something to announce.

"Guys!" Isabelle called out to everyone

They all turned to look at her.

"Thomas and I have something special to announce to you all." Isabelle said excitedly

"Go on tell us." Her mama said

I reached inside my pocket and handed her the pictures. Isabelle turned them around to show everyone.

"Is that. . ." Marc got up and looked at the pictures closer

"You're pregnant." Marc mumbled

I wrapped my arm around Isabelle's waist.

"OH MY GOD!" Isabelle's mom was jumping up and down. "MORE GRAND BABIES!"

Her mom starting shedding tears.

"Congrats." Marc hugged me

The rest came up to us to congratulate us. The girls all went up to Isabelle.

"Oh my god they're twins!" Ana cooed

I saw Isabelle nod her head.

"How far are you?" Shakira asked

"9 weeks." Isabelle said

I looked around the room to see Neymar no where to be seen. I got up and went to look for him. I saw the patio door open and went out into the cold. There I saw Neymar sitting on the chair looking up at the sky.

"May I sit down?" I asked

He nodded. We stayed quiet for a moment until he spoke up.

"Promise me you will take care of her and your unborn children please." He said

I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes.

"That's all I'm asking from you." He added

"I promise." I said

We stayed quiet again.

"She loves you." I blurted out

He looked at me.

"She loves you." I said. "In her dreams she always calls out your name and she says I love you Neymar. I guess she's remembering somethings."

"No Thomas she loves you." He said. "The way she looks at you when her eyes sparkle that's the way she used to look at me. She's in love with you Thomas. Treat her like the queen she is. Whenever she's wrong just go with it, show her that you are her world. Just don't hurt her."

I nodded.

"Promise me that you will be here for her too because you are important to her too. You were her lover before and father of her child." I said

"I promise."


You all probably hate me now.

Sorry for doing that.

Other than that Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🎄🎁

Bind Our Love- Neymar Jr/Thomas Muller (Sequel to JBM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant