Chapter 2: Trouble in Biology

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Kevon stepped out of her forest green Mini Cooper and took a deep breath. She couldn't drive yet, her 15th birthday was still a few months away. Her parents had bought her this car for Christmas last year, and hired a driver to take her to school and the mall. It was the first day of school, and she felt ready for anything that this year would throw at her. She was wearing a slim black Chanel turtleneck, tucked into Reformation girlfriend jeans. On her feet were tan Stuart Weitzman ankle boots and she was carrying her Louis Vuitton Neverfull. She pushed her Burberry sunglasses up, using them as a headband to keep her thick, shoulder length straight auburn hair out of her eyes. As the car drove away, she looked up at her school. It was St. Clarice's school for girls, and she had been attending since pre-k. However, this year she would be making the step into the Senior School building. No matter the building, Kevon was the queen bee at St. Clarice, and she liked it that way.

"Yoshanda! Tiffany!" She saw her friends and waved them over.

"I have our lipstick colour for the day", Kevon exclaimed, passing over the Tom Ford tube.

Yoshanda and Tiffany pulled their compact mirrors out of the purses and expertly applied the colour. It suited them perfectly, as Kevon knew it would.

The trio walked towards the door, and one of the 8th graders ran to pull it open for them. Kevon, Yoshanda and Tiffany all had bio as their first class. As they strode in, Kevon noticed that some wannabee was sitting in her seat. It was always her seat, close enough to the front to be on the teacher's good side, but still far enough away she could text on her rose gold iPhone X without being caught.

Without a word from Kevon, the girl sprung out of the seat and made her way to the back of the room. Kevon sighed, agitatedly. It was exhausting having to deal with people trying to copy her.

Her phone lit up, and she opened it with one bat of her Chantecaille mascara-d lashes. Although she hoped it was from Logan, it was Josh, from the school for boys down the road.

"Hey Biley, saw you drive past me today" the text read. Kevon groaned. Josh had been obsessed with her since she smiled at him accidentally at starbucks. She had thought he was the barista, and she always tried to treat the help kindly. He was smart, and funny, but he just wasn't popular enough at his school. The queen can only date a king after all.

Kevon rolled her eyes and showed her friends the text.

"Kevon! He is so totally into you!", giggled Tiffany, playing with her signature necklace, from Tiffany's, of course.

"Ugh as if! I hope Logan doesn't see him texting me and think we're a thing." Kevon groaned. High School was already getting complicated.

"Class!" Ms. Thompson smiled at the girls seated before her. "Welcome to Freshman Biology. I'm so excited to have you here as my homeroom block, and I know we'll have a lot of fun learning together."

Kevon looked around and rolled her eyes as the teacher droned on. Who was this teacher, didn't she know that Kevon didn't learn biology? She paid some loser to do her homework and take her tests for her.

"--And that brings me to the next announcement, the Welcome Back dance this Friday. The boys school will be joining us, so I hope you are all looking forward to it"

Kevon sat up straight. A dance already! Maybe she could get Logan to ask her to it. Who was she kidding, he would be lucky to take her. She turned to Tiffany, and the girls squealed together.

Yoshanda only smiled sadly. Kevon looked at her friend, and knew something was up. She sat straight, and raised her manicured hand.

"Ms. Thompson, Yoshanda isn't feeling well, I'm taking her to the nurse."

Before the teacher could protest, Kevon pulled Yoshanda by the hand into the hallway.

"What's the matter Yosh??" Kevon whispered while tugging on her favourite gold hoops from mejuri. Yoshanda looked down at the floor and fiddled with her hands.

"Yoshanda, you know you can tell me anything. Was it something I did?" Kevon asked. A juicy couture track suit-clad 7th grader walked by, intrigued by the heated conversation.

"Get lost dumbass!" Kevon hissed through her pearly white teeth. The seventh grader's face turned red and she sped away.

"Kevon why are you so rude to people?" Yoshanda accused, furrowing her freshly waxed brows. "That girl is only in 7th grade! Can't you be nice for once?" Kevon's eyes widened. "What is wrong with you?? That wannabe was intruding on our very important conversation! Plus, did you see how ugly her green tracksuit was?" Yoshanda sighed and shook her head then headed back into the classroom. Kevon stood, staring at the door, then put her face in her hands. Why was Yoshanda acting so rude lately??

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