𝔄 ℭ𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔰𝔰

392 4 7

Doppio hollered in pain as razor blades sputtered out of his mouth, his throat feeling as if it were ablaze. His eyes moistened, blood dripping from his face. He hid behind a rock, coughing as he heard a phone ring. The Boss!!

"Dorururururu!!! Doooorururururu!!!!" Doppio's eyes widened as he scanned the terrain for the source of the call. Aha, there it is!! Doppio clamped down on the large frog in front of him. He placed it next to his ear.

"Moshi moshi? Ah, bossu!! I apologise for being so needy in this battle but... this opponent is really tough." With his free hand, Doppio grabbed his neck softly. His voice was awfully scratchy, and his throat burned like all hell.

"His stand... it's like nothing I've ever went up against, bossu! Just now I coughed up a pile of blades, I don't think I'll be able to win this one... I don't think I can win, bossu, I'm so sorry, I j-"

The boss chuckled. "Oh, Doppio. My sweet, sweet, Doppio..." His words were practically a hum, putting Doppio at ease. "Don't you recall what we've discussed your last resort in battles like these will be?"

Doppio could feel his face heat up. "Bossu... you can't tell me you think that will work, right? It's... It's such a stretch?"

"Doppio... you promised you'll listen to me, correct? You'll need to trust me, Doppio... I can guarantee this will work. You don't have much left to lose, do you?" The boss's words were like warm milk... hearing the voice made Doppio want to believe in their plan.

"Yes, bossu. I'll execute the plan as ordered." With that, Doppio placed the frog down as it hopped away hurriedly. Doppio crawled out from behind his hiding place and rose to his feet, approaching Risotto.

Risotto chuckled, sure that he had already won the battle. "Oh? You're approaching me?"

With a grin, Doppio stumbled slightly. "Yes... I can't finish you without getting closer."

Laughter echoed through the terrain as Risotto crossed his arms. "Then you may come as close as you'd like... It astounds me that you haven't yet realised how futile your efforts are.

As Doppio got close enough to Risotto, he fell to his knees. Risotto smirked, assuming his opponent was too weak to manage anymore until Doppio began removing one of his shoes.

Doppio's eyes travelled slowly up to meet Risotto's, a small smile appearing on his face. Risotto stared at the hot pink bitch in disbelief, though he let him continue on with his last resort.

He wrapped his hands around Risotto's foot and slowly inserted one toe into his mouth, manoeuvring his tongue up and down softly, brushing against the underside of Risotto's big toe. Risotto let out a small gasp, plopping back onto a large rock behind his. He sat on the rock, using it like a stool as Doppio continued.

Doppio ran his fingers up and down the sole of Risotto's foot as he stuck another toe into his wet mouth... and then another. Risotto let out a loud exhale, gripping onto the rock he'd been sitting on. "H-Hey... you're not too bad at this..."

While this was only supposed to be his last battle plan, Doppio found himself not only good at this, but... he found himself enjoying the process. Risotto made a small noise, thrusting his foot forward gently.

Soon Doppio had around half of Risotto's foot in his mouth, swishing his tongue around his toes intricately. Risotto moaned quietly, wiggling his toes. "C'mon, you're doin great..."

A few minutes in, Doppio's vision shifted down to Risotto's hands. They tightened on the rock, Risotto's entire body seeming to stiffen, yet he was wiggling a bit. "Keep going, I... I'm almost there..."

Doppio nibbled gently on Risotto's big toe, then bobbing his head back and forth gently as Risotto officially reached his peak. "Sh-Shit!!"


Doppio's pink eyes stared at Risotto, wide open. He moved his head back, Risotto's foot leaving Doppio's mouth with a small pop! Risotto's face was a bright red, Doppio rubbing his foot gently now that it wasn't stuffed in his mouth.

"Was... Was that alright?"

Risotto smiled. "What's your name?"

"I'm... Vinegar Doppio."

"Mm. Doppio... you did great. How about we head to my place and do that again... my other foot feels left out, and I sure don't like having only one of my feet wet."

Doppio grinned and rose to his feet, stumbling from his previous blood loss. "That sounds perfect."

Risotto wrapped his arms around Doppio and picked him up as Doppio wrapped his arms around Risotto's neck, holding on as Risotto carried him off.


"Doppio, what are you doing?"

"Oh! Sorry that's just my pho- Dooooorururururu!!!!"

Risotto decided not to question it, patting Doppio on the back as Doppio's eyes connected with an empty plastic water bottle on the ground. There's the phone!!

...On second thought, Doppio thought to himself. Maybe the boss can wait just a little...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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[Doppio x Risotto] 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔞𝔰𝔱 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔱Where stories live. Discover now