Part 5: Be brave little mouse

Comenzar desde el principio

"Thanks." You smile and nervously laugh a bit.

"Always glad to help a damsel in distress. Now come on. Sit. I won't bite. Too hard that is.." He stares at you with a raised eyebrow and that sultry smile and pats the spot next to him. You smile at his comment. Obliging him, you sit. Facing his direction as you relax with an inhale of smoke.

"Names (y/n) by the way. Never got the chance to introduce myself." You ash your cigarette and finish off your coffee. You set the paper cup down on the bench.

He looks up at you from his phone. "Well then. Nice to formally meet you (y/n)." With a smile now painting his face he puffs his cigarette.

He sits up and rests his elbows on his knees. Grunting slightly at the movement. "So. What brings you here? Stressful day? Mean boss? ..Boyfriend troubles?" Side eyeing you at his last question.

"Breaktime." You place your left hand on the bench as you take another drag.

"Ah. I see." He states.

"Oh. That's right. I almost forgot. Rude said if I bumped into you to let you know there's a meeting at 1 pm with Tseng and to not be late."

"Ah shit. Alright. Thanks for the word. You can tell him I'll be there." He says.

You both sit in silence for a few minutes occasionally taking puffs of your cigarettes and scrolling your phones. You text Rude and update him.

[He was in the gazebo. I let him know about the meeting. Said he would be there. - (y/n)] You send the message and continue scrolling social media. You get up to throw away your empty coffee cup and return to your seat.

"So you never answered my question." He says as he takes a final puff of his cigarette and puts it out.

"Which one?" You feel your heart rate begin to climb. 'What question? What was it?' Your mind races and your eyes widen slightly in panic.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks.

Hearing the words leave his mouth you feel like you've been hit by a Chocobo going full speed. You stare blindly at him and know a blush is forming on your cheeks. 'Answer dammit. Just do it. Answer him.'

"(Y/n)? You good? Yo? Hey, (Y/n)" he whistles a bit trying to get your attention.

You come to and nervously smile. Closing your eyes. And waving your hand in front of your face. "Oh sorry. I'm fine. Must have zoned out there for a second."

"Well do you, yo?" He stares at you quizzically.

"I uh. Well. I. Um. No. No I don't." You attempt to communicate your answer.

'Finally, you answered'

A smile crept upon his face hearing the response he was hoping for. "Oh really then? A girl like you not taken? No way. There's gotta be someone." He cocks his head to the side and taps his finger on his knee.

"Well. There is someone.. at least someone I like." You say shyly. 'Oh god, you're really doing this. Deep breaths.'

"Ah. I knew it. Who is it? Tseng? Rufus? Rude? You ARE always around him. Or maybe Sephiroth! That cocky bastard. Come on, tell me." He's acting like a little kid trying to figure out what candy you have in your pockets.

You giggle at his sudden change in mood. "Hell no. Not my type. Absolutely not and biggggg no." You laugh as his eyes widen at each response.

"Tseng is the reason I lost my lighter by the way. Anytime I see him I always wind up bumping into him by accident and breaking something or hurting someone in the process. So he most likely thinks I'm some menace to Shinra. Rufus is just not my type. Rude is one of my oldest friends and I'm just not into him like that. I see him as a brother. And Ewww, Sephiroth? Really. Gross." You chuckle like a schoolgirl. The comical nature of Reno calms your nerves briefly.

"Well then who else could it be? What is your type then? Oh, tell me. I'm on the edge of my seat!" Throwing his hands in the air as he speaks and scoots closer to you.

"Nah. Can't do that. That's a secret. Guess you'll just have to find out." You poke him playfully in the chest accentuating the 'You' and shrug your arms.

Extinguishing your cigarette and putting away your phone you move to stand. He reaches for your wrist. Grabbing it he stares at you. You stare back in awe at him being so forward.

"Alright then. If that's how it's going to be. How about dinner and drinks tonight? Seventh Heaven. 8 pm. I'm buying." He stands up and releases your wrist. Looking down on you.

He's about 4 inches taller than you but he feels like he's towering over you. 'Fuck. His eyes. They are so beautiful..' His cheekbones, accentuated by the red tattoos. You scan his facial features. Noticing his hair hanging in his face you can stop yourself from thinking how soft it must be. Such a bright red. Jawbone is perfect. His lips look so soft.

You hadn't realized how long you were staring or that you had moved closer to him. You were about an inch from his face and just dumbfoundedly staring at him.

You go to move and he grabs your arms lightly.

"You don't have to be so shy. It's okay."

You stare at him again one more time and dart your eyes to the floor. 'Well here goes nothing..'

You look back at him. "Yes." You state.

"It's a date then!" He grips your shoulders lightly and smiles, closing his eyes.

You kiss his cheek quickly and step back.

His eyes open wide at your quick movement.

You back away and exit the gazebo quickly.

You turn back to him and speak "I get off at 5. You know where to find me."

You turn and walk back inside quickly. A blush coating your cheeks brightly as you place your hands to your lips and walk quicker.

Pushing through the door, you return to the crowd and hurry upstairs to the elevator. No stairs this time. Gotta be quick.

Hearing the door open you enter and hold the button to close the doors hoping it'll shut quickly.

It shuts. You breathe out a breath you weren't sure you were holding in. Touching your lips you lean against the back of the elevator.

"I can't believe I just did that.." you smile.

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