Chapter 1

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One day...

*"So everything is OK with you guys?"* Steven asked during his video chat with the Gems.

"Yes. But it's such a beautiful day outside. The clouds look so lovely and the sky has never been this clear. Yet you aren't here with us to enjoy it, Steven." Pearl said, a bit of sadness in her voice.

*"Pearl, we've been over this before. I have my reasons on why I'm staying here on Homeworld. I'm happy here, OK? I love you guys, but this is my chance to finally do something without Mom's shadow over me."*

"Um.....I...." Pearl began to say, making Steven worry. He was aware of Pearl's history with his mother.

*"Pearl, I'm sorry. I....look, I know you guys wanna see me, so I'll be down there soon. But why would I come now? Little Homeworld is fine. Nothing is wrong. There's no one to fight. So why would I need to be down there taking up space?"*

"Steven, you know that isn't true! None of the things you just said are true! We've never seen you in your mother's shadow and you certainly don't take up space! You know we love you!" Pearl cried as Steven sighed.

*"I love you guys too. But I gotta go. Jade's calling me for some combat training with some Rubies. I'll talk to you guys soon."*

*Back on Homeworld*

"*sighs* It never gets easier with each call." Steven sighed after ending the video call with the Gems as he could hear a familiar giggle.

"Stars, you're slow. Come on already, Steven. We got some Rubies to teach." The voice of Jade said as she stood in the doorway, arms crossed across her rather buxom chest. She had a rather curvy figure overall but a tongue that was as sharp as her sword.

"Sorry, Jade. You know how my family on Earth has been since I've been living here." Steven replied as Jade shook her head.

"They really need to stop. Why can't they just accept that you want to do your own thing? It's your life, not theirs." The Gem replied.

"Try telling them that. Seems like I'll never be anything than just "The Son Of Rose Quartz" to them. At least the Diamonds seem to get that I'm my own person. Anyway, let's get to the training area." Steven said as he and Jade went to the training area where the Rubies were waiting.

*Back on Earth*

"So yeah: Space Camp is out. *sighs* Isn't it great when the people in charge get the acceptance forms mixed up? It's great, isn't it?" Connie Maheswaren said with pure sarcasm in her voice as she came to the Gems and told them how her plans of going to Space Camp pretty much fell through.

"No. I'd say that's pretty bad. Why would you think that's a good thing if you were looking forward to it?" Pearl asked as Amethyst facepalmed at her friend's oblivousness.

"Anyway, have you guys talked to Steven at all?" Connie asked as Garnet sighed.

"Yes. And he's content on Homeworld. He's quite happy there." The fusion said as Connie crossed her arms.

"And that bothers you guys. I swear: I can tell where Steven learned to bottle his emotions from. You 3 seem to be really good at that." The girl said as Amethyst glared at her.

"Shut up. Anyway, I'm probably the only one who doesn't have a problem with it. Steven's happy, so I'm happy for him. What I DO have a problem with is why he may have left and why he seems like he's avoiding coming back here." The Purple Gem said.

"What do you mean? I know there's more to why he left, but he didn't really tell me anything and I haven't talked to him since his last visit. I was hoping to catch him while you all were having your video chat, but I got here too late." Connie said as Pearl sighed and looked at Garnet.

"Garnet? Does your future vision forsee anything bad happening?" Pearl asked as Garnet's visor gleamed as the sky went dark all of a sudden.

"Yes." The fusion said as a giant drill like machine landed in the ground and implanted itself into the soil, pumping what looked to be a poison of some kind into the ground.

"Hey! Which one of you is Steven Universe?" A voice called out as Pearl gasped as if she knew who it was.

"No. It can't be her! She...I haven't seen her in years!" The Pale Gem said as the others looked at her in confusion as the Gem in question appeared!

That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
That's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
What did she say about me? What did she say?
What did you do without me? What did you do?
Did you play games without me? What did you play?
Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you?
That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends

"She's running circles around us!" Garnet said in frustration.

"I'm rusty! Give me a break!" Amethyst snapped.

"You know her, Pearl?" Who is she?" Connie asked. But before Pearl could answer...

Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying?
I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing
Let's play another game, this time I get to win
Lives on the line
Winner takes all
Ready or not
Let's begin

Oh, that's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends
Oh, that's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her
Other friends

"Spinel. That's her name. What are you doing here?!?" Pearl snapped as Spinel laughed.

"Been a while, Pearl! But uh...*looks around* I'm not here for you. Now as I asked before: Where is Steven Universe?" Spinel asked as Connie glared at Spinel.

"Why do you want to know? Steven already has dealt with enough Gems like you to last him a lifetime! When are you Homeworld Gems just going to leave him alone and understand that he isn't Pink Diamond?!?" The girl snapped as Spinel laughed.

"Hahaha! I know! I think you got me all wrong, human. I know Steven isn't Pink and I also know he and really none of you had anything to do with what Pink did to me!" The Heart Gem said with a twisted chuckle.

"Then why are you here?!? What do you want?!?" Garnet snapped.

"I just need to let 6000 years worth of anger out on some strangers. Now I'll ask one more time: Where is Steven Universe?" Spinel asked.

"Like we'd really tell you! He isn't even here! So get lost!" Amethyst snapped as Spinel simply grinned.

"Well. If he isn't here, then I'll just have to play with you until he shows up!" Spinel said as the Gems got ready for another round against the new enemy.

Oh snap! Spinel has arrived! But next chapter, we check back in with Steven on Homeworld! See ya then!









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