Chapter 20: Runaway Train

Start from the beginning

At the meet and greet place Becka, the photographer, raised her hand with three fingers. Phillip nodded.

"Still three to go, some are in groups. It won't take really long I think." He also kneeled down next to Kimberly. "Do you think you can do that?"

"Sure. I can. I guess." Kimberly wipped out her tears and without even asking, Phillip handed her his iPhone on selfie modus. "I still look like the Kimberly from TV right?" She asked.

"You do. You still have the glitters around your eyes."

Kimberly is the only person he knows who doesn't get red eyes after crying.

The boys helped their curly blonde friend to get up and walked back to the fans.

"What happens to the microphones?" Karen asked. The clock had passed twelve and with a beer in her hand, Karen was helping the crew to pack all their stuff off the stage. The others had already returned to the bus but Karen felt like she had to do something. She had walk over to Jack, the crew-member who looked the most like Jimi, and asked if he could show her how they cleaned up their mess. She was more asking questions and looking at the whole thing than actually helping.

"In this box." Jack pushed a box on wheels into her direction. "I'll help you with that." He looked into Karen's eyes. "Your eyes are red and aren't you supossed to lay in bed?"

"Too much beer." Karen raised her glass. She had been receiving some beers from the audience as well and she drank them all. 

"Whatever you want." She wanted to walk toward him and fell... in his arms! "Oh my, I'm sorry!" She giggled. That's awkward. "I think it's better for me to go to bed, right?"

Jack nodded. "Do you need an escort?"

"Nah, I'll be fine." Karen tried to take three steps back without tripping over her own feet. "See ya later, alligator."

Jack watched her walking out of the arena. On her way to the door, she grabbed a beer out of the crew-members hand. Yep, she was drunk.

It was a good night. Not too hot nor too cold. The fresh air did good to Karen. She came a bit back to herself and remembered all the awkward things she had said. 

She was about to walk under a bright spot which lights up the venue for less then twenty feet and she would walk in the dark again but suddenly she heard a scream. Out of reflection, she hid behind a box. 

"Hey young lady, you're not allowed to be here!" The loud voice of a man.

Karen saw a shadow running toward the fence which seperated the venue from the streets. The fence that gives the artists privacy. The fence that somebody's trying to climb over right now! It is a dumb fence though, everybody could climb over it. Even a drunk Karen.

The shadow on the fence said something but Karen couldn't hear it. She became very curious and tip toed closer to the two shadows.

"I need to see Little Big Town!" The voice said.

"Oh, who not? But you can't really come here."

"We're family!"

"Do you have a pass or something?"

"I need to see my aunt."

"Girl, are you alright? What's your name? Let me help you to get off of there, so we can call your parents." Karen assummed that it was a guard as she saw him helping the shadow to get off the vence. Then the shadow jumped off and started to run. Well, that was the plan, but the guard got the shadow before it could run.

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