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I felt like I'm ready to retire. To leave behind this world I lived in, to abandon the plans I spent years to make, all fallen into defeat. Some say I was evil. I don't know if I really was, but I have regretted what I did. People may not understand me, and I don't expect them to do so. My life has been, lets say colourful. I wasn't a good man, at least people didn't think it. All I've done was for the greater good. Was it really good, I question, after what had I've experienced. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but I certainly didn't do it right, I had to be stopped. After all the manslaughter I had committed, because I got seeked too much power. And I paid for it, not a cheap price. I was stopped, stopped by my past best friend, who we shared ideas with, who was the only person who supported me before. I deserved to be in prison, maybe I had it come to be slain by my friend.

But now, I was ready to leave. My body was weak, power declining, I could barely hold myself up as I sat on the cold stone tiles of the cell. The magic protecting it could be never broken, I had tried myself. Since I got here first I wanted to escape. Then I wanted to die. Only after a long time had I learned that I was wrong, in so many aspects.

The lights are fading, and I feel that myself dieing. Slowly, my strength leaving, vision gets blurry, and I black out.

I woke up in brightness. I open my eyes only just to see pure whiteness, like I'm in an infinite sea of light. But my eyes are getting used to the sudden whiteness. I am at King's Cross station, lying on the floor, in the robes in which I have left the world.

I stand up, look around to see someone. I thought I would never see him again, his peaceful, loving face, which have been appearing in my dreams, if I wanted it or not. I missed him. I never thought much about him, until I had to, in my almost infinite time alone, my memories of him came back. And I realized, something, I never would have thought would happen. I always knew him as a friend, my best friend to be on the point. We spent countless time together, making memories, telling stories, of fighting to get power. But it have been more in my side. I didn't think about it, but now, I was sure: I wanted more just than being friends. It is confusing, thinking about love you never knew was there, but it was true. And I was week to deny it. After all I have been trough, this was a safe point. A sad, hurtful, miserable memory, but real, and that's what mattered.

And now he sat there, that peaceful expression on his loving face, waiting for something, or someone. It was so calm, and patient like he's been in his whole life, and I had still loved him no matter how many years, decades passed since we last met. His caring face, as he looked around, still made my heart beat faster, even tho I'm supposedly dead.

"So you came." His voice was calm, thoughtful, caring, even after he had betrayed him. He sat on a bench near the platforms, in his school robes, his long hair and beard falling onto his lap, as he gently looked at me, with his crystal clear blue eye. They were pained, troubled after what he'd been trough, but they were peaceful, and just extraordinary beautiful.

"I had." I walked towards him, slowly stepping towards the bench, and taking a seat next to him.

We both looked in the eyes of the other. His were bright blue, almost like they sky, but laced with indescribable pain and suffering. It was the eyes of a man who had seen, and pained too much. He stared at me, and I saw something more than pain. Something, that was more than calmness, or acceptance, something that was love.

I didn't know I was just imagining it, or he really felt emotions toward me. So I just looked at him, waiting for answers.

I didn't know which of us leaned in first, but I felt his soft lips pressed on mine, forming a gentle kiss. I didn't want it to end. It was something I always wanted to do, but never thought of it happening. I didn't deserve this. After all I've tried to destroy lives of so many people, after I killed, after I pulled him, his already troubled life, I just made it worse.

But he decided to give me a second chance.

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