Sirius nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry about your pops." 

Eloise didn't know how to respond, so instead she shrugged. "Uh, anyway. I'm going to go work on my book for a little bit. Dora should be home in a hour or so and we'll head to my parents' house."

With that, the blonde went into her room and shut the door. She began to write. 

Chapter 3: "What the Hippogriff is a Muggleborn?"

As discussed in chapter one, a muggle is non-magical folk.  A muggleborn is a witch or wizard born to non-magic parents.  It is believed that muggleborns are born in families with a Squib, non-magic folk born to magic parents, in the family lineage. This means that it is likely, because I am a muggleborn, one of my ancestors was born to magic parents.  As a result, sometimes, more than one magic child can be born to muggle parents. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. 

During the Wizarding War, which ended in October 1981, muggleborn witches and wizards were targeted for their blood status by an evil wizard named Voldemort and his followers, the Death Eaters. Many pureblood (more about that later) witches and wizards were opposed to his ideals and fought against him.  In the end, the son of a muggleborn woman defeated him.  There will be more about this in a later chapter about the recent history --

There was a knock on Eloise's door, causing her to look up from her writing.

"Ready to go, Eloise?" Dora called. 

Eloise grabbed her brother's birthday gift and led her flat mates to muggle London to catch a taxi to the Martin home.

Immediately upon their arrival, a small blonde girl and taller brunette boy came racing down the driveway to greet the taxi of magical folk. 


"Brooklyn! Happy birthday, Hudson!" the blonde said, squatting down to hug her siblings.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Dora asked, looking down at Hudson. "Happy birthday, H!"

Sirius watched as Dora hugged Eloise's younger siblings as Eloise's mother, a tall grey-haired woman with kind features that reminded him of Euphemia Potter, walked out on to the porch, wiping her hands on her apron and smiling at the sight on the lawn.  

"Dad! John!" the woman called into the house. "The everyone is here!" 

"Hi, Mum!" Eloise said, as she kissed her mother's cheek. "This is Dora and my new flat mate, Sirius." 

"'Ello, Sirius! I'm Anne," the kind woman said. "And my husband, John, is inside. Come in, come in!"

Sirius entered the warm home and again was reminded of the Potters during his Hogwarts days. It was a nice house with a beautiful kitchen and comfortable living room.

"Eloise Madeline, my girl!" an older man said, coming up to Eloise slowly.

"Hi, Pops," Eloise replied, hugging him gently. "This is my new flat mate, Sirius." 

"Nice to meet you, son!" the man said, moving to give Sirius a hug as well, then Dora.

"E.M!" a younger, but still on the older side, gentleman exclaimed. "How's my eldest?" 

Eloise rolled her eyes, smiling. "Hi, Dad!" 


mckenna grace as...

brooklyn anne martin

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...brooklyn anne martin

josh hutcherson as...

hudson john martin

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...hudson john martin

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