Christmas Spirit(s)

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"Micooooool... I'm boreeeed" The Brit drawled.
"We have to wrap these presents moron!"
"Can we do something fun?"
The redhead sighed. Gavin was right, this was really boring..
"Okay Gav, what do you want to do?"
"I will be right back"
Michael pushed away the present he was wrapping for Ray.
'God he's so cute... why do I have to have a crush on my best friend? This fucking sucks..'
While he was thinking Gavin walked back into the room.
"Micooooool are you ready to get..... DRUNK?!"
"Aww fuck yeah Gavin!"
"Aiiighhht let's do this!"
Gavin plopped next to Michael, honey whiskey bottle in hand. he poured a glass for himself and one for Michael. He took a big swig and grimaced as the golden liquid burnt down his throat.
"Ahhh that's the stuff.."
"Gavin it's Christmas Eve and we need to have these wrapped for the party tomorrow!"
"C'mon mate! have fun!"
"Okayyy.. but if the guys don't their gifts I will kill you!"
"That's the spirit!"

After a few cups they started to feel the familiar tingle in their fingers that signified the alchohol was taking its effect.
The redhead was suddenly wrapping his arms around the tall man.
"Uhh.. Micool?"
"Gavvyyyyy your s'cute"
"Micoo'? You are not handling this whiskey well.."
"Wha-*hic*' 'course I yam"
Gavin started to chuckle, the fact that Michael was seemingly plastered after only a few cups was ridiculous.
"Ay! Dun choo laugh at *hic* me"
"Micool! You're so drunk!"
"Well you should get *hic* drunks too"
"I need to drive home!"
"Nawww... stay with *hic* mee Gavvy.. plus it was your idea in the *hic* first place!"
"Well first, can you let me outta this death grip?"
"Micooooool pleaseee?"
"Because your cute you fuckin moron!"
"You didn't sound so drunk there Micool!"
"What! No I am totally dru-"
He was cut off by the feeling of Gavins lips on his.. A warm blush spead across his face as his arms fell to his sides to grab Gavins hand.

"Gavin... what?"
"No drunk defends the fact that their drunk Micoo'!"
"I think that kiss was more fun than getting drunk.. lets do that again.."
He was toppled by the redhead as he eagerly kissed him.
"It was fun..."
"Merry Christmas Micoo.'"
"Merry Christmas Gavvy."

The Christmas Spirit(s) [Mavin Fluff Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now