Waffles V.S. Pancakes

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A random waffle was waffling his way down the street.He saw a pancake and punched it into a well.As group from W.A.F.F.L.E News came and just stared at the pancake and took a selfie with it.It wasn't a surprise to see #Wafflesrule #Pancakessuck in the caption of the pic.That went viral on YouTube,which caused waffles all around the world to start a Waffle Parade.Pancakes got mad and tryed to take action against the waffles but they didn't stand a chance to the waffles' greatness.And the waffles then punched them all down a well and continued to celebrate their superiority over the pancakes.The waffles took another selfie with the pancakes with the same captions as before. That was a great day for those waffles and a reminder that they were the better food.

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