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Winter's pov

I woke up in a dark room and felt pain surge through my entire back. I opened my eyes a tad and felt even more pain in my eyes. I parted my lips but nothing but a hoarse whisper escaped my lips and no, nothing recognisable. I heard light footsteps approach me and the surface I was lying on. The surface lowered a bit to my left like a bed does when someone sits on it. Now that that is said, I do think I was on a bed but where and who's? I don't know.

A voice I recognised spoke up and I felt relieved, I wasn't kidnapped.

"Hey are you awake yet? It's been four days. Please wake up. Please please. No one else can fill in the spot you've taken up. I mean, we're the opposite seasons! Come one please", Summer said a bit quietly.

I raised my head a bit, even though it made my pain even worse. She deserved to know I was awake, she was clearly worried and wait.....four days? I had been on this plump bed for four days?! Wow, I wonder what happened for me to be in bed for four days probably unconscious the whole time.

Summer gasped and helped me sit up. I was sort of getting used to the soreness now. My back fell flat against something that felt like a pillow and I felt my eyes open. Finally. The bright light made me squint for a few seconds until I eventually got used to it.

"Are you ok Win? You're pale, clammy and weak. Would you like me to get you anything?", Summer said with a concerned look.

"What happened? I feel so much pain in my back and-", I stopped as I reached to touch my back.

"NO! No no no no no. Do. Not. Touch. Your. Back", Summer said quickly.

I ignored her and touched my back. Oh. My. Goodness. My wings! They were gone! My silky, medium sized, pearl white wings! Gone and replaced by stubbs!

A look of horror spread over my face and I didn't bother holding it back like I usually would do. Summer scooted closer to me and hugged me. She knew how it felt to lose something but hers grew back! She lost her claws once and she felt awful but they grew back after at least a week. My wings would probably never grow back!

I refused to cry, it was still not a suitable reason enough. Summer let me go then began assuring me of things I felt like were false. She told me they would grow back, that they would be silkier and softer and all good things. I refused to believe her until the doctor walked in.

She had a white coat over her white dress, red hair, a tall slim figure and a clipboard in her hands. She looked over at me with a small smile on her face then moved over, introduced herself as Dr. Clareene and did a few checks on me.

"Yes your friend is right. Your wings will grow back and maybe, they will change in a few ways like colour, size and mainly appearance but also feel. May you please tell me how you feel and what you would like at the moment?", Dr. Clareene asked me with a concerned expression.

"First, I feel like my wings will not grow or they will come back red and black like a demon. No offense Summer. I would like to go home. Oh, I also feel quite alot of pain on my back.", I said.

"Alright Winter, you can go home as long as you take this pill once a day thirty minutes after a meal for a week. Your wings will start to grow back on their own afterwards. Understood?", Dr. Clareene said as she handed my clothes to me and I nodded and smiled gratefully.

Summer got up, grabbed both of our bags and went out to make sure it was fine for us to leave. We walked out, her black wings flapping around happily at the departure. She has never been a fan of hospitals.


Heyyy guyyys! So this is the first chapter of Dangels. I apologise for any grammar mistakes. My fingers just don't want to listen to me sometimes . My updating time is not determined. At first it was supposed to be weekends only but I couldn't wait to start. If I take ages to update please excuse me.

Thanks again. Continuuuuuuuuue🐋


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