A visit from an angel in a cloak

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On Lord Beerus's planet, Sounds of combat could be heard and the pounding of exchanged fists shook the air waves.

Goku and vegeta were soon seen in hand to hand combat training with Whis watching them carefully.

As the fighting continues, Whis noticed their ki leaking from them and out soon came a sight.

"Alright, you two. That's enough. You both still need to practice on suppressing your ki..."

Whis started as both Goku and vegeta stopped their training and soon landed on the ground infront of Whis nearly out of breath.

"See? I told you we should have trained some more on earth before coming here, Vegeta!" Goku said, staring at vegeta.

"Kakarot, I told you first hand you couldn't keep up with me!" Vegeta said back.

"Me keep up with you? How about you keep up with me-" Goku argued back before getting cut off by Whis.

"That's enough bickering you two. As far as I seen, You both can't keep up with each other let alone keep your energies suppressed."

"Tch.." Vegeta scoffed.

"Oh man, We really are behind on our training ever since the tournament of power." Goku sighed out in disappointment.

"Yes, The two of you are. And I am very disappointed in that. You two should focus more on your training, you may never know what will happen." Whis said with a smile.

Both vegeta and Goku nodded in conversation while Whis watched them. Unbeknownst to the three pair, another was watching them in the sky and from afar. A smile crept on the figures face.

"Well, you two had better get back to earth. Lord beerus will be up soon and he wouldn't want to see if unless you brought some food. Which you haven't this time." Whis said as he waves his finger.

"You're right, I don't want what happened last time happen again. Let's go, vegeta. We got some training to do."

Vegeta scoffed and held onto goku's shoulder. Goku then smiled and instant transmissioned back to earth.

Whis then began to turn towards the tree house beerus was sleeping in and walked toward it. Seconds later, he heard a sweet feminine giggle followed by a mere hum before he turned and looked up at the sky.

He seen a feminine figure dressed in a  short blue dress with a long blue cloak flowing behind them. He then noticed the buckle that said "Grand." On there. Taking note of it, he began to speak.

"Hello? How can I help you?" Whis started and soon noticed the female angel flew down to the ground.

He looked her up slowly from her feet to finally her face.. he stared at her in shock and began to blush. In his eyes, she was very beautiful to him.

He noticed her blue halo behind her head and he noticed how her face held kindness and beauty. He then wondered what her voice sounded like.

Just as if the female angel could read his mind, she began to respond back.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting you, Darling. I've been watching you from afar for a long time now and I have to say that I am very proud of what you've become and what you are doing~" the female said as she stared at him.

He blushes at her gentle, echoing voice. He then began to become confused. He slowly shook is head to snap out of it. But as he listened to her speak, he felt as if he met her before.

"I-I'm sorry, Miss. you are proud of me? Well, I am happy to have made someone like you proud. But I feel like we have met before, and if I may, I noticed you have the same belt as my father would wear. Can I ask your name and who you are...?"

Whis said becoming hesitant. He had a deep feeling this female angel maybe came here to do more then just see him train saiyans. however he wasn't too sure.

"I'm sorry, My Dear. But I can't give you any information. I am just happy to see you again. That's all I can say~" she then smiled at him.

Whis felt something build up. He stared at her for a few moments taking in her appearance and listening as her smooth, gentle voice ringed in his ears.

"Again...? What do you mean again?" Whis felt abit chocked up and he didn't know why. He never felt this way before, at all.

Just then, the elder angel grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. He gasps out of shock of the sudden hug then slowly began to relax into it.

He instinctively hugged back as tears began to fall from his eyes. He was confused to why this was all happening.

"Oh Whis..." she started, shocking him more. "I may not always be here with you or the rest of your siblings. But keep in mind that I am more proud then I am ever before."

"W-What is this? What are you saying? I don't... understand.." Whis chocked again, unable to get his words out properly as tears kept falling from his eyes.

"Hush, Child. You shouldn't let your God of destruction see those tears. Stay strong, if not for him then for your siblings, your father and your universe.." She said softly, rubbing his back in comfort.


He just couldn't speak in a full sentence anymore. He then stayed silent and hugged her as tight as he could as she began to fade away. He clearly didn't want to let her go.


She smiled and glowed a bright white and then soon faded away into nothing as he was soon hugging the air.


Was all he could say as silence filled the air. He slowly lowered his arms and opened his eyes. He was quick to wipe his tears.

But He didn't understand what happened nor could he understand why it did happen. But one thing is for sure, he couldn't wait to see "HER" again.

The end~

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