Chapter 1

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I never expected to start my day hurtling towards the ground at 80 000 feet per hour, but here we are.

It started a few days ago, when I was preparing to have dinner with my family. I was already late coming home, a big no-no in my dad's books, and still had yet to change into appropriate dinner attire. By the time I arrived at the table, my brother Zeke was glaring at me for making him miss out on his favourite meal, and my dad was shaking his head in disappointment.

"You look lovely, dear", my mother, her royal highness Queen Alexandra Rosalyn Esther Lapanski, stated as she pulled out my chair from beside her.

"Thanks mom."

"Auralie, you realize I expect you to be more punctual than this.I thought you would have realized by now that it doesn't do for a princess to be late. When will you learn?" my father asked.

I wonder the same thing. His royal highness King Arnold Isaac Corone Lapanski, has always been a stickler for rules. You'd think after all this time raising me, I would have learned something by now.

"Arnold please. She's here now, and that's all that matters," mom defended.

We said grace and the maids lifted the covers off the food. Zeke started scarfing down his food as fast as he can with proper manners.

"Ezekiel, please slow down."

"But mom~, Aura took forever getting here and I'm hungry," He replied with a mouthful of food.

"Anyway," my dad stared at Zeke with a softer glare than the one he gave me, "As you know, every month a new ambassador is sent on an assignment to a different country."

This was true. For as long as I can remember, the Kingdom of the Galapagos Islands has sent an ambassador every six months to strengthen our bonds with other countries and their leaders around the world. Due to the small nature of the kingdom, it was important to have allies so as to not be easily taken over or attacked during conflict. However, they never send us royals unless there is an event we're invited to.

"Yeah, who are we sending this time? And when? And where?" I questioned.

"You,'" he said with a smile. "Well, your mother and I figured it was time for you to get out a little more. I know our restrictions aren't major but it's still good for you to leave the islands every once in a while."

Oh my god. Finally a chance to leave and learn more. I could feel the excitement bubbling up in my throat.

My father continued on. "You'll be sitting in on a parliament meeting, have a meeting with the Prime Minister, and meet Queen Elizabeth. You also have two extra days to do that touring you've been dying to do."

He had a smile on his face as he said that last part. Of course, only my father knows me best.

Warmth spread through me as I felt the recognition I didn't know I desired. As much as I rebelled, I always tried not to ask for too much, even knowing I would get my way. It just doesn't feel right, and my brother should get as much attention as possible.

"Oh my god thank you so much! I can't believe it." I tried to contain my excitement.

Chuckles spread throughout the table at my reaction.

"Told you she'd love it," mother said.

"You'll be leaving in three days. Hopefully that's enough time for you to pack."

The rest of dinner was filled with chatter of what I was most excited to see, and Zeke's jealousy. He would get his own assignment soon, seeing as he'd already had several before me.

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