Chapter two - Even roses has it's thorns

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"Wait! So Thumberlina's Flowershop is shutting down?"

The news has spread all over the kingdom by now. The only other place you could buy flowers would be the one two streets away owned by a very mysterious man known as Mr. Melchior.
"Yes, she disappeared an hour before you came back. Some witnesses claimed that she was taken by the trolls" Hans whispered.
"Kidnapping a little fairy!? Who would even do such a thing!" Arthur complained.
"I don't know, but one thing is for sure. The only people who can stop the queen's tyranny would be us!" Jack looked at each one in the room.
"But since we haven't broken the curse yet, it'll remain as an impossible task"
I replied while scamming through the books on the table.
I collected them a while ago from Regina's old library.
They where full of alternative ways to come around dark magic and break curses.

"Found anything yet that doesn't involve being bitten by snakes or eating poisoned berries?"
Arthur asked hunging himself over my shoulder.
"There's one about a counterspell that could work. But that one requires dragon's blood"
"Well then, get ready everyone. Time to go and slay a dragon." Jack sighed out
I laughed at the misconception.
"No silly, it's a very rare flower that would often be found on top of the highest mountain near the nest of a sleeping dragon. The problem is though, there haven't been any spotting of the flower since hundreds of years ago."
"Just great.. so what's your plan then?"
Hans asked with curiosity.
"It also says in another book that the last flower was stolen by an unknown man. The legend says that whomever could guess his name would have the power over him. So how many men without names do you know?"
Everyone went awkwardly quiet.
It was nearly impossible to find sketchy men in this area because they were pretty much everywhere.

"Let's say well continue in the morning, then it's full on operation Dragon!"
Arthur yawned.
I don't think that man is used to think this much at all if I'm being honest. Pino, Noki and Kio is already sleeping in their spot. They haven't said anything this whole time which doesn't surprise me. It's been a long night.
"Yeah, it may be for the best. I'll catch up later, maybe I'll find something more"


There is no escape from this place, not as long as my name is in his possession.
"Daughter, don't forget the customers. We're opening earlier today"
"But the sun hasn't-"
"Don't you speak against me! Now, off you go"
"Yes father"

It's funny though. I know I have a name but everytime I hear him say it, I completely forget it.
While working, I refer myself as Hope.
I chose that name to remind myself to never lose my faith and that one day, I'll break free from this curse called my father.
Of course I tried to run away before but there's a thing I have to get rid of that's tightly attached around my neck. It's a golden thread with no hoops.
The further I walk from the door, the tighter it gets and there's no blade that could ever break the magical chain.

"That should be it"
I placed the last pots in a tall basket outside the boutique. The sun is rising at last and I feel a bit safer.
The beams gently touch my cheek and I feel it's warmth all around me, filling me with delightful joy.
"Its a brand new day, Hope." I whispered to myself in comfort.


It's a brand new day. And a perfect one to break a curse!
I sprint out from my bed to wake up the rest of the gang.
"hey, Arthur"
He didn't respond and his snoring was getting louder. How hard could this man sleep?
"Arthuuur" I tried again, but without a reaction. I decided to try again so I clear my throat and took a deep breath.
"ARTHUR!!" Suddenly he's flying up.
"OOowww!" His forehead collided with mine, causing us both to fall backwards.

"Merlin, you donkey! What are you doing up this early!?" Arthur whines in pain.
"Sorry, but I found something last night. It's about the flower!"
I've might have been a bit too loud because
Suddenly the whole room wakes up from their deep slumber to gather around me.
"Well, tell us!" Jack bursts out.
"You see, Dragon's blood is a flower and the only one we knew of who knows a lot about flowers is thumberlina. What if mr. Melchior have an idea how to get our hands on one?"
"But, has anyone met him before? How do we know how to trust him?" Hans wondered.
"Yes, you're right. But what other option do we have?" I asked them.
No one seems to have another plan and I realized that this unknown man could be our only hope.


"Is it done?"

"Yes, my queen. There aren't many left. Soon, there will be no magical being left in this kingdom but you, your majesty"

"Good. I don't want any of them plotting against me with their kind of magic. You can go home now, peasant.

"Yes.. my queen"

Tales from the Fairytale Island - Merlin x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz