Season 3; Life Is Fluid

Start from the beginning

About an hour later, Voight came up from downstairs with a disk and a burner phone. He put the disk into a computer, and a video popped up. It showed Jay, shirtless and tied up, being beaten up. As someone tased Jay, and he groaned in pain, I closed my eyes. "Turn that off, Antonio. Please" I beg. Antonio followed my orders and turned off the video just as the burner phone Voight was given rang.

Voight had a conversation with whoever was on the other end, and once he hung up, he turned to us. "That was Derek, right" I ask. Voight nodded. "What'd he want" I ask. "Halstead's life for all our CI files" Voight responded. "That's easy, right? We hand over the files" Adam said. "Whoa, there's over 100 CIs in our database. A couple dozen are mine. Half of them have wives and kids. I'm not going to have their blood on my hands if their names get leaked" Antonio said. "So you'd rather protect them and bury Jay" Adam asked. "Hey, just back off. It isn't going to get that far. Grab Mouse. Start creating false files" Voight said.

That night, we spent hours creating false files, and now, it was morning. "Where we at with the CI files" Voight said. "All set, bogus CI numbers and criminal histories. We used photographs of inmates from Detroit and Indiana. No way Keyes can tell they're fake just by looking at them" Antonio said. "No more waiting, Sarge. It's 8:00 a.m. We've got one hour until the drop" Kevin said. "Okay, call Burgess. Tell her to come in" Voight said. "What for" Adam asked. "Keyes requested a female officer deliver the files" Voight said. "No, you find somebody else" Adam said.

"I'll do it" Erin said and walked into the bullpen. "You gave your star back. Or don't you remember" I say harshly. "Come on, guys. We all know this should be me" Erin said. "I don't think it should. I mean, you're gone for weeks with no texts or calls. Jay has gone to you countless times to try and get you back as a partner because he cares about you, and you don't show. Now, when he's actually in trouble, you show up and ask us to trust you? Hell no. Sarge, I'll do it" I say.


"Hey Al. What's up" I ask as I was getting ready for the drop. "Here. It's ceramic" Al said and handed me a small knife. "It's not much, but, you know, at least you won't be going in naked, and it won't set off any detectors if they wand you." "Thanks, Al" I say and give him a hug before slipping the knife into a safe spot inside of my pants. "No problem" he said.

I got into my car and drove to the meeting spot with the fake files. Seconds after I pulled up, a black car pulled up beside me. "You got what Derek wants" the man in the passenger seat asked. "That's all of the Intelligence CI files" I say and gesture to the box at my feet. "Where's Jay?" "Let's say you hand over those files. We verify them. Then we'll cut your boy loose" the man said. "Fuck you. That wasn't the deal. Derek said the files for our guy. He said a straight trade" I say. The man in the passenger seat then pulled out a small gun and aimed it at me. "If I don't see Jay alive right now, I'm walking with the box" I say. "I guess you're going for a ride" the man said. "Fine by me" I say and pick up the box before climbing into the car.

We drove up to a very nice house, and I was led inside by the guys who were in the car with me. The box of fake files was still in my arms as I was taken into an office. "Boss, we've got a guest. She wouldn't hand over the files unless she saw her boy" one of the men said. "Welcome" Derek said to me. I didn't return the greetings and opened up the box to show off what I had brought. "We held up our end" I say. "Go get him" Derek said and sniffed up a white powder. "Are you sure you don't want to do a little bit bump? It'll put you in a better mood?" "I'm good" I say.

Just then, the two men brought Jay into the room and threw him onto the couch. Seeing him all beaten and bruised made me want to cry, but I held it in as I walked over and sat next to him. "Jay, everything is going to be okay" I say and take the duck tape off of his mouth. "Yn" Jay said. "All right, come on, we're getting out of here" I say. "Hold up. Ain't no way either one of you is walking out of here, not until these files check out. Sit tight" one of the men told us and snatched up the box full of files, leaving the room quickly.

"I just got to ask, how did you think this was going to play out? You kidnap a Chicago police officer? It just doesn't seem like a smart business move" I say and stand up. "I got what I asked for, didn't I? And what do you know about my business" Derek asked. "I know that if you're worried about a rat in your organization, it's already too late" I say. "Derek, you're not going to like this" the man said and came back with a couple of files.

"What" Derek asked. "I've been through a dozen of these so far, and I'm not finding much that lines up. This guy, he's doing time in Michigan, but his photo doesn't match his name. This one, he's on parole in Indiana for a DUI when the report says he's supposed to be some heavy hitter with the cartels" the man said. "So what, you thought you could bring me a box full of lies" Derek asked me. "Look, I brought the box that they gave me. If you want, I'll make a call" I say. "I'm done making calls. Kill him first, and make her watch" Derek said to the man.

As soon as no one was looking, I slipped the ceramic knife out and stabbed the man going after Derek. He turned around and tried to grab me, but I dodged him and stabbed him again, over and over. I wanted to go and help Jay, who was dealing with Derek, but the man I had stabbed pushed me through a glass coffee table and wrapped his hands around my neck. My air was cut off, and I was gasping to get something into my lungs. My hands reached out for the knife that I had dropped, and right as I grasped it, I stabbed the man in the chest, causing him to fall limp on top of me.

I shoved him off of me and grabbed his gun, taking aim at Derek. With one pull of the trigger, a bullet sank into Derek's shoulder causing blood to soak through his shirt. "Don't move. You're under arrest" I say. Derek eyed the gun resting on his desk, and he tried to grab it, but with another few pulls of the trigger, he was down. I opened the doors to the office and saw that the whole team had their weapons trained at the door. "Yn, are you okay" Antonio asked me. I looked down and realized that there was blood coating one side of my abdomen. "I'm fine. None of this is mine" I say.

Once I was checked for injuries, I met Jay up with Jay who was sitting on the back of an ambulance. "Are you okay" I ask him. He shrugged. "I'm just glad they sent you" he said. I smiled, and before I could process what I was doing, I leaned forward and kissed Jay. The kiss, while nice, was short, because after a second or two, I pulled away. "I'm so sorry. I know you like Erin. I shouldn't have done that" I say. Jay only smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips to mine again. "What was that for" I ask when he pulled away. "I used to like Erin a lot, but when you came onto the unit, I fell for you. You had a boyfriend though, so I used my past feelings for Erin to cover up my feelings for you" Jay said. "Okay, well, as much as I'd love to continue this conversation, I have to clean up" I say and gesture to my shirt which was still all bloody. "Okay. I'll see you later Yn" Jay said. "See you later" I say.

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