Daan and Beth

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Setting: the girls are up in there room spending time with each other. Daan wanted more time Witt Beth alone. She had been missing the younger woman.


Daan and Beth were laying there bed cuddling together enjoying the quiet. Daan has always enjoyed being in her girlfriends arms cuddled into her neck. But suddenly Beths phone off she reached over to check the notification.
"Baby we have to get up. We have team bonding at Kim's house in twenty minutes." Beths said getting up making Daan pout.
"But I want to stay and cuddle with you." Daan said reaching for Beths hand to pull her back into the bed with her. They weren't out as a couple to team yet. They just wanted to enjoy themselves, so when they were with the team they stood apart from each other as much as possible as to not raise suspicion.
"No baby it's a mandatory thing we'll get in trouble if we don't go. Get up Daan or no sex for a month." Beth demanded getting up. Daan shot up out of bed making the blonde chuckle at her antics. They both got ready and headed to the car. Beth hooped in the drivers seat because they wanted to make it there alive.

On the ride to team bonding Beth looked over to see Daan pouting her lips. She chuckled to herself as she lifted her hand to daans face pulling her to face her as they stopped at a red light. She ran her thumb over her cheek.
"I know you your sad baby. But soon we'll tell them about us and we can have alone time and say actually say why we want to be alone. Okay?" Beth asked looking into her lovers eyes.
"Okay beffie. But the lights green and the car behind us is honking." Daan said laughing lightly.
"Shit." Beth said turning her attention back to road.

The young couple came up to another red light. There was no one behind them so Daan lent over the center console and pulled Beth into a searing kiss. They broke apart from a lack of air, Beth was in a daze from the passion Daan put into a single kiss. Daan looked again to check if there were any cars around and once again no cars were around. By this time Beth had turned back to face the road trying to focus but when Daan lent over the center console even more and whispered in her ear.
"I'm so in love with you Beffany Mead. And I am here for every part of it." Beth chuckled as Daan pronounced her name her full name. She turned her head towards her a big smile on her face.
"I'm in love with you as well Daniëlle van de Donk. And that will never ever change baby." Beth said leaning to give Daan another kiss. Just before she made contact with her lips she whispered 'ever' and connected there lips. They were interrupted by another honk. They were both a giggle mess as they finished the drive to Kim's house. When they walked in all the attention turned to them.
"Hey guys. What took so long." Kim asked greeting both of them with a hug.
"This one." Beth said pointing at Daan. "Toke forever to get ready so we were running late." Beth said looking at Daan with a look of pity. She knew how much she the small Dutch woman hated the jokes about her being late and she felt horrible. Every one laughed at the joke except for Daan she looked genuinely sad.

They went and sat on opposite sides of the room perusal. Everyone was having a good time until Beth looked over at Daan laughing with there friends. In that moment she didn't care about what anyone said. She was the one in the relationship that wanted to keep it a secret. She was scared because at Sunderland there was a homophobic coach and staff. She didn't want to experience that here, but being here with her friends and her amazing girlfriend she knew that she wouldn't be judged. She knew this was the right time to tell every body that her and Daan where dating and hopelessly in love with each other. In Beths eyes that wasn't going to change for a long time.

Beth stood up saying she needed to go to the kitchen. She also asked Kim to talk to her. When they were in the kitchen she sat there for a minute preparing herself for how to say this.
"Okay Kim I need to tell you something." Kim slowly nodded her head slightly worried about what was about to be said.
"I have girlfriend. I've been dating her for a year and a half know but we wanted to keep it a secret. But know I'm ready to tell the team about it." Beth said in one breath worried about how Kim was going to react to her secret relationship. Kim put her hand on Beths shoulder to calm her down.
"Beth calm down. The team will support you. Tell them tonight if their truly your friends they'll support your relationship." Beth thanked Kim for her advice and returned into to the living room where everyone was at.

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