
They've met again. And again. And again until every meet was now not a pure coincidence but a planned one.

Red knew his name, Verde, which means green. He was named, he told her, after the color of his eyes. They have started to know each other by sharing little things like what their interests and hobbies were.

They both sat under an old big tree with a piece of blanket under them. Red prepared foods for their planned picnic and Verde promised to bring his violin he often tells about. Playing instruments was his thing and his most favorite was playing the violin. While, Red, can only do best at chores and cook home made dishes. She, too, promised to bring one of her specialties.

"These are really good!" Verde said with his mouth still full of food and gulped some grape juice Red made.

"Really? Im glad you liked it. I was kind of nervous thinking you might not." Red looked please as she watch him eat all of the food she offers. He's become look more presentable and his handsome features showed each day. The sharp shape of his face, the shape of his eyes and its beautiful color; his golden curly hair; his adam's apple; his collar bone; his lanky physique that was really admirable; his bony musician's hands were soft and comforting; his breath and his body heat that sends her warmth; his smell, yes, was comforting too. She blushed at the thought and slapped herself mentally for thinking such things like a pervert.

"Are you okay, Red?" his voice too was soothing and comfortable especially when he calls her name. What the apple jam am I thinking?! Get back to your senses, Red!

"Yes! Of course!" she put a hand over her chest for she thought her heart was going to leap out of its cage. She felt hot all over.

"Are you sure?" he asked with obvious worry in his eyes. "You look like you're going to have a fever."

"No, I'm perfectly fine! It's just that the weather is hot I think," she mentally slapped herself again because what she said was stupid. The weather is not hot at all! The clouds even looked like they are about to cry with their grayish color.

He suppressed a laugh. She blushed harder. What the sandwich is happening to her?! She stared at him. He, too, was handsome when he smiles and laughs.

"Verde, play a song for me in exchange for the sandwiches I made!" She joked.

"Oh! Yes, of course." He took the violin out of its case and placed it over his shoulder and under his chin with the bow in his other hand.

"I just composed this last night while thinking of..." You. He almost said. Almost. "The apples. Yes, the apples." Stupid, where did you get that Verde?! He mentally smacked his head on the rock.

Red almost laughed at what he said.

Verde took a last glimpse of her laughing face then closed his eyes. The image of her remained behind his lids. He started playing the violin.

The first part was soft in the ears. As he played, flashes of memory before she knew him flowed. Her bright red cape outstanding the color of the green forest. Every other day he would see her pass through the woods. And the sight of her brings him unusual happiness. The violin's melody was like a morning sunshine rising and showing behind the gray clouds. A somewhat ray of hope for him. A reminder that he, too, feels the same way a normal person would.

The second part was full of surprise and glee. He remembered the time when they first talked to each other. He was following her like any other day and when she dropped one of her apples he didn't notice himself picking it up and called her. He felt like he just lost himself. She was pretty, true. But he knew there is more in her that attracts him. The song seemed to blossom like a flower. It was beautiful.

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