CHAPTER 2 - Breakfast

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I had a good sleep last night until I didn't realize that it was already morning. As I stretched my arms and my back, suddenly my phone rang over and over again. It was the missed calls for the fifth time from Lily. I rubbed my eyes and looked on my phone and realizing that it is already 10am. She also leaves some texts asking where I am and asked me to go down to the hotel restaurant to get some breakfast.

I get off the bed, quickly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Also, changed my pajamas to a very lowkey simple outfit. Taking my phone and the key card of the room with me and rushed through the door to go down.

At the restaurant....
I saw Lily with her husband and their families. I guess I already found something that was missing. My parents!! They were sitting in one table with Lily. Mom and dad didn't get to witness the beautiful wedding as they just got back from Japan due to some important matters that needed to be dealt with. They looked so happy, enjoying the meals and laughing with each other.

"Mae! Daddy!" I rushed to the table and hugged them.

"I missed you guys so much!"

"Awww darling, we surely miss you more." Mom and dad planted a kiss on my forehead. And I took the empty chair next to my mom.

"Where were you Ya?! I called you for the countless time and you didn't pick it up!" Lily sighed.

"Hehe. I'm sorry, Princess. I was too tired last night and decided to fell asleep immediately."

"But thank God you're still alive" Lily rolled her eyes and laughed.

As I was about to stand up and get some food, I saw Nadech with two of his men friends and the girl. I rolled my eyes and proceeded.

I put some scrambled eggs with two sausages and red beans along with two slice of bread on my plate. On my other hand, I got a bowl of chicken salad. Went back to my table to put them down and he's still there chit chatting with his 'friends'.

I got a cup of fresh strawberry juice and when I turned to go back to actually eat my meals, I saw him again. He was literally behind me and smiled at me as he was waiting for his turn to get a drink for himself. I let out an awkward smile and swiftly went back to the table. He was about to say something but I left immediately. I enjoyed my meals and had a good chit chat with my parents along with Lily's family.

A sudden approach from a tall girl shocked me. It was Catty, my sister!! Who just got back home from Norway. She took an annual leave to meet us. Then after that she will be back for good. To continue her master studies. I hugged her with so much excitement because its been two years we didn't see each other face to face, directly. Actually, she arrived in Thailand two days ago, but her jet lagged was so bad which makes her couldn't attend the wedding and had already informed Lily about this but not me. She planned this as a surprise for me and mom and dad.

Ever since my family is here, my focal point is 100 percent on them. I didn't think and even bother to look around and have my visuals on him. My focus was totally just on one table and my loved ones. God, I missed them so much.

Mom, dad, Catty and I decided to went up to my room to get some rest after the not so heavy buffet breakfast. Lily booked me a king size bed with a spacious comfortable couch which can fit all of us.

"Yaya! Let's get some fresh air!" Catty decided to go to the swimming pool and I agreed.

My parents didn't follow as they just got back and surely needed some rest.

We got our swimsuits on and walked to the pool with some robe on. As we arrived, there were no one. It was just me and Catty. The pool is in the same area where a transparent glass gym is located. This give us the access to see anyone in the gym, walking on the treadmills, spinning and perhaps working on their abs.

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