still here.

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Disclaimer: to anyone at all, don't think of abuse, murder, or kidnapping to be something romantic. It's not. It shouldn't be a normalized love trope. I just wanted to write some IwaOi angst. Thank you.

Oikawa didn't kill them. He had a friend do it for him. There was no way he was about to be at fault for another murder, he was trying to change... Oh who am I kidding? Of course Oikawa murdered them. He put their bodies in trash bags and burned them. Those homophobes can go to hell. Oikawa was laughing his ass off, staring at their burning bodies. Until he saw Iwaizumi from the corner of his eye. "See? I said I'd take care of it!" He laughed, he sounded psychotic. Iwaizumi was terrified.

"What did you do?!" Iwaizumi yelled out. They were in his fairly large backyard. Oikawa tilted his head, "But they don't love you like I do! I just want the best for you baby!" Tooru grabbed Iwaizumi's hands, "I love you the most! It's me!" The shorter just slowly backed away, there was blood on Oikawa's face, his clothes soaked with blood as well. It was like a scene straight out of a horror movie. "No. You're a monster." Oikawa's lip quivered. "I killed Tsubaki because she was cheating on you! Your parents are homophobic! My parents were abusive, and that girl in the alley was a bitch who was gonna report me! You don't want me to go to jail do you Hajime?"

"You.. killed.. Tsubaki?.."

Oikawa sighed and rolled his eyes, "She was ugly anyways." Iwaizumi's hand covered his mouth as tears started to spill. Oikawa was the one murdering the people he loved. "What's wrong? I only killed three people that you know, it's not a big deal! They deserved to die." "Tsubaki did not deserve to die!" Oikawa walked closer, "Yes she did! She was an unfaithful girlfriend!" Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's arm, "Despite that, she didn't deserve to lose her life!" He stared deep into Tooru's eyes, that's when he realized. "Hajime, do you love her more than me?"

Iwaizumi went blank for a split second. Oikawa was only filled with fury. His blood was boiling. He was so angry to the point where he impulsively punched Iwaizumi, knocking him out. "I'm gonna show you exactly who you should love."


It was the morning. Iwaizumi woke up on his bed. He couldn't move his legs or arms, there was also something wrapped around his stomach. "Good morning Iwa-chan!" Oikawa said when he saw the other awake. "What the fuck are you doing?!" The brunette just giggled. "Oh Iwa-chan! I'm going to keep you here until you can learn who it is I am." Iwaizumi groaned as he tried to get out of his cuffs. "You're Oikawa Tooru! My boyfriend! Get me the fuck out of here!" Oikawa smirked and he walked closer to the bed. "Oh Hajime, I am your boyfriend but," He said as he moved his finger along his boyfriends abs, "I'm also a murderer." Oikawa struck his finger right into Iwaizumi's heart, indicating his death.

"Make one wrong move and you're dead." Oikawa stared into his eyes and picked up his bag. "Well, I'm off to school! Find a way to entertain yourself!" He said and shut the door. Deep down, Oikawa knew he could never kill Iwaizumi. He loved him too much.

"It's for your own good."


"Makki! Matsukawa!" Oikawa yelled out during lunch, trying to find his friends. "Hey!" "What's up?" They both replied. They all just sat down and ate their lunch. "Hey Oikawa, wheres Iwaizumi?" Matsukawa asked while eating. "Oh he didn't feel good today.." Oikawa replied. Makki and Mattsun just brushed it off.

This exact scenario went on for a few weeks. Oikawa had killed some more people to help with his overwhelming anger and sadness. Makki and Mattsun suspected something, so one day they decided to go to Iwaizumi's house. They knew where the house key was. "Makki, I don't think there's anything suspicious." Hanamaki rolled his eyes, "Mattsun we haven't even searched the bedroom!" The other just sighed and they walked upstairs.

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