Good and Bad

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Two souls, One and Two,

Both alive and friends.

One full of smiles,

Two wants her life to end.

One is in love with Two.

She thinks Two is the best.

Two doesn't notice 'cause

she's filled with sadness.

Two makes a decision,

filled a glass with death.

One couldn't dare to part,

they both took their final breath.

One, with her kindness,

Two, with her urder,

Two went to hell,

One was not with her

One was in heaven, 

Two in hell forever.

But to be silent,

They would never.

One lived in good care,

where she knew her identity

Two lived in fire,

Fury, fear, and intensity

One confessed her love,

but Two said no.

One became empty

as Two became happy though.

One cut her locks,

Two's beauty grew 

But the grim future was something 

Only God and the Narrator knew

A child of heaven

Stood at the edge

As One walked by 

And heard his pledge

"At heaven with God,

with love at heart.

I will not leave.

Love and me will not part."

One felt the dire need to say

That if she couldn't be happy

Neither could he be any day.

Two heard his cry 

And ran to help

For though she was in in hell, 

But her love would never melt

No, she could love all along

Just not for One, alas,

The boy's life was on the line

So Two helped, knowing he wouldn't last

God felt Two's kindness

And Two's murder, and after while

Two's new homes was heaven

And One was on trial.

One was found guilty

And was  sent to hell

But Two asks for mercy

For One she finally fell

One and Two will now never part

For they sit on my shoulders

As good and bad 

As I get older

As you need good and bad 

to make thee,

You need One and Two

to make Three.

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