• one sugar-high sleepover •

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I squeaked as I watched it fly across the room.

"Yesterday was fun, Codes! Cluedo ain't got nothing on you," he spoke, reading out a message that I had sent to Cody just last night. "Was he at your house last night?"

"Well yeah, Ruelio! We had a game night since I had no-one to procrastinate with," I laughed, remembering the prior night with my friend fondly.

"You guys send selfies and love hearts to each other every morning?" He repeated, losing his smirk. As that happened, the grin fell from my face, too. "I thought selfies every morning were our thing, y/n/n?" Ruel tried to catch my eye, but I avoided it.

"You don't have to be so nosy, Ruelio, it's not your business-" I cringed at the insensitivity of what I just said.

"Well I think it became my business when some random bastard from school started calling you 'bub'!"

"What is your freakin' problem, Ruel?"

"My problem? He's so flirty, he could start asking you for nudes any minute, y/n! He compliments your clothes literally every day!"

"What the hell? Nudes? Is that some lame excuse to get me to stop talking to Cody?"

He didn't answer that, but I could see his jaw was clearly clenched.

"Jeez, Cody and I are only friends—"

"Friends, y/n? What the actual fuck?" He propped himself up on his elbows and stared me down, deep set fury churning behind his eyes. What the hell was wrong with him?

My face heated up, mirroring the rage of his expression. Finally, breaking the searing eye contact, Ruel glanced down at where I was sitting, registering the fact that I was seated on his lap, my legs almost wrapped around his waist.

I realised that I was clenching the cotton of his shirt in my fists in anger, completely subconsciously. I retracted them quickly, hoping that he wouldn't think much of it. I tried to move, but found myself frozen on his lap without budging at all— because Ruel's hands were planted firmly on my waist, gripping the thin fabric of the top I was wearing, pulling me to him and stopping me from getting off. As his warmth began to engulf me, I finally found the strength to retort.


Without letting me finish what I was saying, Ruel flipped over once more, but this time flipped me with him. He pushed me against the bed by the waist and pinned me to the sheets.

"Who's to say Cody couldn't just come over to your house again, and try something like this?" he spat, saying his name bitterly.

He easily snatched both my wrists in one palm, and moved them tantalisingly above my head. He moved close enough for his legs to intertwine with mine, and soon— no part of my body below my chest wasn't pressed up against him.

Oh lord...

"Or this."

I could feel his static breathing fanning my  cheek, and that's when I caught his eye.

My breath began to quicken, but not quick enough to match my wild heart rate. I tried to look down, to check if it had leapt out of my chest yet— but a force above me restrained moving my head to check. Unexpectedly, Ruel lifted my chin with his forefinger and thumb so I could meet his gaze.

Ruel looked down at me, breathing heavily as his eyes searched mine for an answer. "Who's Cody, y/n?"

I didn't answer, and held my peace along with my breath. His eyes travelled down my face, his eyes lingering in places that made me feel slightly giddy. His gaze suddenly focused solely on my mouth. Ruel licked his lips ever so subtly, before prying his eyes away from mine with difficulty.

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