make me laugh!

399 7 22

Morgan: M.A.K.E.M.E.L.A.U.G.H *claps*

Brock: I'll try

Morgan: try me

Brock: I rode on a town on a @$$ your mummus @$$

Morgan: F*CK YOU AND F*CK OFF *stabs Brock*

Everyone: wtf happened

Morgan: nobody insults the person that helps me the most 😤

Misty: I'll go next

Morgan: ok misty😄

Misty: what is drie but if you stick it in it becomes wet?

Morgan: ohhh my friend told me this one 😂👌

Everyone: WTF MISTY-

Misty: it's a tea bag....what the hell were you guys thinking?

Everyone: doesn't matter....

Jasmine: ohhh I remember Megan telling you that😂

Morgan: yep😂 (Megan is my best friend Megan and Morgan forever she wanted me to add in that joke)

Nate: ok next!

Gary: *shoots himself*

Everyone: lol

Koko: that was funny, NEXT

Drew: a potato flew around my room *says in a childish voice*

Morgan: you get points for having a old meme


May: okay....I was born on the a highway because that were accidents happen


Max: instead off calling people idiots why don't we call them ash

Everyone but ash: OOOOHHHHH GET BURNT

Ash: hello darkness my old friend

Darkness: F*CK this sh*t I'm out *kill it's self*

Ash: well I'm sad now

Koko: okay next

Paul: *also kills himself*

Jasmine: it was funnier the first time, next

Dawn: Paul passed out in the living room I think he dying!....well I guess it's not the living room anymore is it

Morgan: ha lol next

Iris: okay put these in between your fingers *gives them the pens*

The 4 judges: *does it*

Iris: okay what sound does a cat make

The 4 judges: meow?

Iris: what sound does a cow make

The 4 judges: moo?

Iris: what sound does a dog make

The 4 judges: woof?

Iris: now what sound do you make in bed (≧▽≦) *pushes there fingers into the pens and then pulls on the pens*

The 4 judges: AAAHHH

Everyone: AAHAHAHA

Nate: good one

Koko: next!

Cilan: what do you call Digimon?

Morgan: I hate Digimon so tell me

Cilan: a rip off of Pokèmon!


Koko: but this is a make you laugh challenge

Nate: ok next

Korrina: okay joke time- *slips* AAAHHHH


Korrina: oooowww

Jasmine: o-okay next

Clemont: I'm not funny...

The 4 judges: haha oh clemont *laughing track plays*

Bonnie: that's my big brother alright

Bonnie: anyways what do you call deer with no eye?

The 4 judges: (we can hurt her she a child so well like the joke even if it's bad) I don't know tell us

Bonnie:Okey dokey, no eye deer

Everyone: aww cute

Morgan: okay who's next?

Serena: okay, what do you call a dence  sometimes infuriating little kid

Everyone but her,and ash:....wait what? (Is She's talking bad about who we think shes talking about!?)

Serena: a sweet,cute,kind and strong person named ash

Everyone but ash and serena: omg so cute!

Ash: um....well....I......thank you Serena

Serena: n-no problem ash 0/////0

Ash: right I'm next!

Morgan: show us what you've got

Ash: so a lady ask me on how I was doing, and I couldn't decide wether to say I'm good or I'm okay so of course I freaked out and said I was gay *the more you know meme appears*

Morgan: wow ever was funny and I feel better now so I can say bye Everyone and feel good

Everyone: ???

Morgan: bye Everyone

Morgan: hi everyone, well you might have noticed I've been going down the darker roots for this killing Everyone and people dying and I'm sorry it's just I really hate myself and I'm depressed and it's my way of ending it all but not it real life...I'm sorry if anything has upset you..........well until next time bye

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