PDA Scale

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× Not so into it but will show everyone that you are his
× This dude will grab your a$$ if he's jealous
× Make out sessions in front of everyone else
× Sometimes the kids have enough and tell you to do it somewhere else


× BruH this dude gives 0 fuck about what everyone thinks
× He'd literally make you do it in a crowdy place
× You are the one who constantly have to stop him
× You hate him for that, but sometimes you like it too ;)


× Boi he only hold hands with you in public
× He even gets embarrassed if you kiss him on the cheek
× One time you "accidentally" gave a hickey to him
× BruH he wanted to kill you when the others saw it
× But when you're alone he acts different ;)


× No way she's too innocent for that shit
× The kids sometimes wonder if you guys are even together
× Plus AJ is always next to you guys, so you know...
× One time she kissed you, AJ only talked about that kiss for the rest of the week


× Not brutal things, more like sweet ones
× Small kisses here and there
× Embraces ALL the time
× All the kids adore you guys

Woah okay what is this? A new chapter? I swear Corona made me do it.
So hey guys, long time no see huh?
Uhh i was bored so i decided to make another chapter. Please don't expect me to stay here forever, i'm only here for awhile. Anyway i hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks for the 60K reads!

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