Say Her Real Name

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"Jay talks about me" I ask. "What? I never said that" Mouse said. "Yeah, but in order for you to know that he likes me, he's had to have talked about me. What's he say" I say. "Oh, look. There's a video attached" Mouse said and played the video, making our previous conversation stop. The video showed Felicia in Sosa's hotel room, and things were getting a bit heated. "Send that to Voight" I say.

Mouse was able to track the location that the email was sent from, and when Erin, Jay, and Adam went to check it out, they found that the guy who lives there, "Mad Max", was apart of the Black Grid. "This is Mason Rutowski, AKA Mad Max. Turns out he's a part-time instructor of political science at DePaul" Antonio said. "We checked with the county assessor's office. Max's mother, Jeanette Rutowski, she passed away a few months back, left him the house. The reason the deed wasn't transferred to his name yet, he couldn't afford to pay the back taxes" Jay said.

"So if I'm a broke part-time teacher living in my mom's basement, I might be looking to shake somebody down for some cash" Erin said. "We've got an investigative alert lodged to state police and the sheriffs" I say. "All right, Mad Max, Rutowski, is supposed to send out instructions to all the Black Grid members today. I just got this: '2:00 PM, Freedom Plaza. Target, Saudi Prince, bring your helmets.' They wear motorcycle helmets to conceal their identities" Adam said. "All right, let's hit the plaza. We'll surveil the group and pick him up" Voight said. "Sarge, we've got another problem. They've got cell jammers which will block reception in the entire area" Adam said. "We could use the old CPD analog radios. They use that old trunk band. You aren't blocking those babies. I'll dig them up" Al said.

At the protest, we started the hunt for Mad Max. I was the one who found him, but as soon as he saw that I was with the CPD, he took off. I followed him, but he wasn't showing any sign of stopping. I reached for my gun, and my hand ran over the taser I had holstered next to it. With one swift movement, I grabbed the taser, aimed it at Mad Max, and clicked the trigger. The taser shot out, hitting Mad Max in the back. He fell to the floor writhing in pain as Adam walked over to him with handcuffs. "Well shit. I guess that taser certification was useful" I say.

After the protest, I walked into the bullpen and saw a man sitting in the break room. "Hey, Jay" I say. "What" he asked. "Who's that guy in the break room" I ask. "Oh. That's my older brother Will" Jay said. "You never told me you had an older brother, and a hot one at that" I say. "Okay, one, you have a fiance, and two, please do not call my brother hot in front of me" Jay said. "Can you introduce me" I ask. Jay sighed. "Fine. Lets go" he said.

Jay led me into the break room, and Will stood up as we entered. "Yn, this is my brother Will. Will, this is my friend and co-worker Yn" Jay said. "Hey, Will. What do you do for a living" I ask. "Most days I'm a surgeon" Will replied. "That's cool. How long are you in town" I ask. "I'm still figuring that out" Will said. "We should all hang out sometime before you go" I say as Will's phone vibrated. "Definitely. Um, I've got to go. I'll get at you later" Will said. "All right. See you around" Jay said as Will left the office. "So you're the youngest" I ask. "Yep" Jay said. "That makes so much sense" I say. "What does that mean" Jay asked as I walked back to my desk. "Nothing. Nothing at all" I say.

"Okay. I ran all the Black Grid members in the cage through the analytical software to try and get a match on that blackmail email. I checked cell data networks, VPNs, protocols. I even ran-" Voight cut Mouse off. "Did you get the guy or not?" "No" Jay said. "What about Rutowski" Adam asked. "Four of his friends alibi him out. They say they were with him last night" I say. "Yeah, they're all probably stoned out of their minds. We keep Rutowski in custody" Voight said.

"Jay and I, we had an idea" Mouse said. "Okay. What is it" Voight asked. "A guy in our unit was being held for ransom, so we staged an exchange with the kidnappers. It's mostly classified. Long story short, we got him back. We didn't spend a dime" Jay said. "We've got Sosa's phone, so I can send a message from his email pretending to be him. Say he doesn't want a paper trail, so he's going to send one of his drivers to deliver the $200,000 in cash, in person" Mouse said. "We just wait to see who shows up" Jay said. "All right, sign $200,000 out of the 1505 funds. Write up an ops plan for Fischer. Just tell him we need it for flash. This is you, Antonio" Voight said.

The meeting ended up going well, and the guy who was behind it all was called Pope. He was a member from the Black Grid. "Just so you know, I'll be looking forward to having dinner with you and Will. You're not getting out of it" I say. "Okay, but if it's going to be you and him flirting the whole night, then I'm out" Jay said. "I have a fiance, Jay. I'm not going to flirt with your brother" I say. "Speaking of, when's the wedding" Jay asked me. "Well, it was originally supposed to be next month, but both Archie and I had some important family members that couldn't attend at that time, so we pushed it to two months from now" I say. "Great. I can't wait" Jay said and smiled. Even though Jay was smiling and he sounded genuine, I could tell that he wasn't. Something was up here, and I was going to figure out it out.

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