Chapter 13: The Sports Festival Continues

Start from the beginning

Upon their descent, several people had already started going after other people's points. Midoryia was relieved that he had gotten some people off of his back. However, he was soon met with many teams who hadn't. Including Bakugo's team, and Todoroki's team.

Todoroki quickly made a large iceberg, which Izuku transmuted into steam, giving them an out. Izuku fired the jet-pack again, Hatsume and Ochaco activating their gadgets as well. They quickly got in the air once more, avoiding their attackers, and landing on the other side of the battle field. 

Todoroki's team consisted of Iida, Momo, and Kaminari. Momo had created roller-skates for herself and Kaminari, while Iida used his speed to propel them all at once. Meanwhile, Bakugo had sort of a jack-in-the-box maneuver. Kirishima was up front for defense, with Sero and Mina in the back. Bakugo would blast himself towards the other teams and grab their headbands, and Sero would use his tape to pull him back. Izuku assumed Mina was for Todoroki's ice. 

Todoroki's team was speeding towards them. Izuku couldn't activate the backpack, seeing as it needed to cool down first. "Tokoyami!" he called. 

Tokoyami didn't hesitate to summon Dark Shadow, and keep Todoroki's team from advancing. However, they didn't account for the other teams, who were closing in, quickly. Izuku clapped his hands and placed them on the backpack. "Sorry, Hatsume." he said as he used his alchemy to start the backpack, sending them into the air, the heat and power of the propulsion forcing the backpack to get hotter. "Not straight up, flip us over!" he called. 

The cavalry formation flipped upside down, allowing Izuku to get close enough to the ground to transmute, creating a large wall around them. 

As the transmutation was happening, Iida turned to the rest of his team, and apologized. "You won't be able to use me after this." he said as he got into a running stance. "Torque, over! RECIPRO BURST!" The team was rocketed forward, getting through the wall just before it got too high, and shooting them past Izuku's team, allowing Todoroki to grab Izuku's ten-million headband. Now, it was just Izuku's team, and Todoroki's team.

Todoroki used his quirk to freeze the perimeter of the wall, lessening their room. Todoroki's team moved towards their enemies. Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow to keep them back. However, Kaminari had used his quirk to create a flash of light, making Dark Shadow timid. Midoryia had recalled how Dark Shadow gets stronger in Dark Environments, so light was clearly the opposite effect. 

Izuku tried to activate the backpack, but the heat from the propulsion before was too great. The backpack was out of commission. Izuku transmuted a blade onto his automail. "Let's go! It's just us! We can take him!" 

The team charged forward, Iida's engines having not yet recovered from earlier. Midoryia chipped a piece of ice from the surrounding area, and upon arriving at Todoroki's team, transmuted the ice into a large blast of steam, obstructing Todoroki's view, and allowing Izuku to grab a pair of headbands from around Todoroki's neck.

The teams both ran out of the steam, and as Izuku looked to the headbands, neither of them was the ten-million. Just as Izuku was about to tell the team to turn back and go after the ten-million, the buzzer rang, signaling the end of this trial. 


Due to the pair of headbands that Izuku had snatched, he barely managed to make it to fourth place. Either way, he was relieved that he had at least done this well. His team would be advancing, along with Todoroki's team, Bakugo's team, and the team of someone from the business course, by the name Shinso. Present Mic announced the winners of this trial, and called for a short lunch break. 

Midoryia was relieved. If he had been eliminated this round, then his success in the first trial would just be seen as a fluke. Which, in reality it was mainly a fluke. But with Izuku's continuing progress, it may seem otherwise.

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