May Angel's Lead you in

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I was playing in the field with my mom, I'm only three months old. I have a weak back right leg but I manage, my mom is worried about the leg but I tell her them I'm fine. Soon the man came over to bring us inside. I jumped around excitedly waiting to be able to go into our stall. Some days it's to hot to be outside, our home actually has something to make is magically cold. My mom tells me that they are call air conditioner's but I just call it magic cold thingy. I'm growing, getting bigger. My mama always tells me how proud she is of me.

Now that I'm bigger and stronger my owner has come to get me, my mom and I do not stay in the same paddock anymore but I've come to get used to it. Stallions always thinking they know best, it's slightly annoying. My boy put my halter on and took me from my field. Bringing my in he brushed me and saddled up. Leading me outside there was another horse standing and waiting for us. Pinning my ears he pawed the ground. Men. The boy got on me I pinned my ears and threw a few bucks before stand still. The man grabbed me and started to pull me along. What the hell. No. I don't think so. I pulled back as my boy hit me. It scared me but I walked forward. Despite me listening he kept hitting me. I didn't understand what he wanted from me. Be he needed to stop. I pushed forward going faster and faster thinking i was listening to what he wanted only to have my mouth being yanked. Did he want me to stop or keep going?
The other man came back up to me and started pulling me along. I figured I had to follow him. We got out onto the track and he let go of me and stopped his horse. So I followed and stopped myself. I got hit for that. Many times. So taking the boy and myself I took off full speed, thinking that was what he wanted. He kept hitting me yet I was going with all the might I had in me. My back leg was starting to hurt. A lot. I was sweaty and hot. My legs were tired and growing weak. But I kept running for him. Breathing heavy I started to pull up and slow down. Hit. Hit. Hit. Pushing and pushing. The boy wasn't done. But I was. There was a weird sound and he yanked on my mouth. Coming to a stop I couldn't catch my breath. The bit in my mouth hurt, the saddle was tight.
Getting off of me he lead me inside. Every step hurt. He threw me in cross ties and started hosing me off. The cold water felt good on my body. The heat had made me so hot. He then grabbed me and threw me into a stall closing the door. I walked over to the back of the stall and laid down trying to breathe. What did I do to deserve this?

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