Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

Começar do início

Dr Saltzman walks away

Sadie looks to Hope, both girls with tears in their eyes, before leaving and following Dr Saltzman.

Sadie catches up to him

"What the hell were you thinking." Dr Saltzman says. "With your family cannot afford black magic in your system messing with your mind."

Sadie nods

"Now, when we get back, you're sleeping in a transitional cell tonight." Dr Saltzman tells her. "I don't know if there's anything in your system and until Dorian tests you...we have to keep you safe."

"You mean keep other people safe." Sadie says, looking up to him. "Right? Just in case I get angry?"

Dr Saltzman sighs

"Unfortunately." Dr Saltzman says

"I don't get it." Sadie says, stopping and Dr Saltzman stops as well. "Lizzie has angry episodes."

"Lizzie doesn't wolf out!" Dr Saltzman snaps at Sadie and she takes a step back from the impact of the words. "I'm sorry. But, Sarah, you've been here for 5 years and you still haven't controlled this."

"I am trying." Sadie tells him

Dr Saltzman sighs and nods

He starts walking again and Sadie follows, upset

They get to the car where there is no sign of Raf or Landon

But there is a note

A few minutes later, Hope shows up

"Where are they?" Hope asks

"Gone." Dr Saltzman says. "I found this on the windshield when I got back."

Hope reads the letter

The three get into the car

Dr Saltzman starts driving

Sadie sits in the back seat, looking out the window with her headphones in

Sadie sits in the back seat, looking out the window with her headphones in

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Sadie sits on her bed in her cell

Dr Saltzman is holding her left wrist, finishing locking up her wrists

As soon as he lets go of her hand she pulls away from him

Sadie lays down, facing away from Dr Saltzman

He walks out of the cell and stands there for a second

He looks at her

"I really am sorry about this." Dr Saltzman tells her softly

"Whatever." Sadie says, a tear dropping onto the pillow. "Just lock me in and leave already."

Dr Saltzman closes the bar door to the cell

He looks to her one more time before leaving

Sadie looks over at the door, hearing the departing footsteps

She lays her head back down, a few more tears slipping out as she grips the pillow for some kind of comfort

She lays her head back down, a few more tears slipping out as she grips the pillow for some kind of comfort

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SADIE: Everything tells me I can't control my anger, even all the way down to my genetics. But what really hurts is when people think I'm not trying to get better or I don't want to get better. I would love to not explode over things, but I just can't. I am who I am


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Next chapter up NEXT MONDAY


Stay safe in quarantine 

Sadie Auburn //Book One// - Legacies - COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora