Chapter 17~ The End of a Bad Day

Start from the beginning

When he turns to leave, I place my hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to go. You can wait out the rain in my house," I suggest.

"Well my house is right across the street, I think it'll be alright," he replies, but I don't allow it. I take his hand and pull him inside.

When we get in, it's just him and I. I realize that my mother must've went to bed and Hazel must've went home. So, I put a mental note in my head to be quiet.

"I'm gonna go and get you some of Gale's clothes," I say. I grab two blankets and place one over the couch so that Peeta can sit and the couch doesn't get dirty and give the other to him to cover up in.

"Make yourself comfortable for now."

With that, I turn the corner and head upstairs, but something isn't right. The closer I get to the top, the louder the sound of footsteps coming from Gale and I's room gets. Naturally, I'm enveloped in fear and warning. I'm not sure who would be in there. So, I instinctively -from all I've been through in the past- prepare myself for battle.

I walk slowly down the hall, drifting toward our room with quiet steps becoming stiffer and stiffer the closer I get. Then finally, I brace myself, my back leaned against the wall before I turn toward the doorway to reveal myself completely to the owner of those footsteps. But I don't just reveal myself, I knock right into the possible predator who's mouth was just beginning to call out my name. Naturally, I utter a high-pitched scream.

"Katniss!" a male voice gasps with relief inevitable in his tone.

I kick him in the shin, an instant reflex gained from my past. When he lets go of me, I fly backward into the golden railing that boarders the hall and my silver stairs. Then, realizing who it is I feel embarrassed and ashamed immediately.

"Gale!" is all I can manage to say as I crawl over to where he sits on the carpet of our room, wincing and holding his shin while rocking back and forth.

Sitting beside him, I feel helpless. My mind is completely blank. I forget what to do. That's when Peeta comes running up the stairs, calling my name and asking if I'm alright at the same time. I can hear the sound of his boots colliding with the wooden hallway floor. He stops talking and moving when he reaches us, taking in the pitiful scene he's just stumbled upon.

"Get me a bandage from the bathroom downstairs please Peeta!" I order, feeling like my mother when she would yell things at Prim to gather.

"I'm fine!" Gale groans, clearly in pain. I hush him, waiting impatiently for Peeta.

"Where's my mom Gale? Do you know?" I ask to get his mind somewhat off the pain he's struggling to bear by gritting his teeth.

"I just got home, but it sounded like she was sleeping when I walked by her room," he replies. Then, the thought randomly crosses my mind that he has no idea all that has happened today.

I place my hand on his chest and gently push him back to lay on the floor. I smile down at him, my heart hammering in my chest. I can feel my face sag at the memory of today's events. I wish I could take it all back. All of it. Right up to this very moment. And I guess my mood appears more crestfallen on my face than I wanted it to because Gale says,

"Don't be sad Katniss, it was just an accident, a misunderstanding." But he doesn't know why I'm truly sad. I give a hollow smile anyway though, pretending to be alright for now.

"I know," I whisper, holding back tears making my throat burn more than it was way earlier today.

"You feeling better?" he asks.

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