Chapter One

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CLANG! CRASH! BANG! Came the sound of metal frying pans, which my best friend Mia just so happened to be holding, while she screamed like the house was on fire. " GET UP RIGHT NOW YOU LAZY LITTLE GIRL AND GET A SHOWER YOU HAVE AN AUDITION FOR THE BROADWAY PRODUCTION OF SHREK THE MUSICAL IN TWO HOURS AND TONIGHT YOU HAVE A JOB AT A BIG FANCY AUCTION AND YOU NEED TO REVIEW THE FILES BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!!!!!" She yelled.



"EEEPPP" I yelled, running into the bathroom. I quickly turned on the faucet and stepped in, not realizing the shower was set to cold. I screeched so loud I must have woken up anyone else in the house who was still asleep. 

Who all lives here, you ask? Well, there is My adoptive  mother, Luna Williams, me,  of course, my best friend Mia, my best male friend, who also happens to be Mia's soulmate carter, there is my manager, Kayla, and then, last but not least, my adopted son Nicholas, who everyone calls nick. Nick is 4 and obsessed with the avengers after one of them saved him in the battle of New York, which had left him parentless. So, six people. unless someone's friend is over. Which there usually is. Today it is nick's friend Jacob.

What was I doing again? 

Oh right, panicing. 

I hurried through my shower, quickly jumping out and drying my hair. Then, I  ran for my closet, deciding on a nice dress with black leggings and a black leather jacket. I then grabbed a pair of socks, pulled them on, and slipped into my black leather boots. 

Then I  rushed through my makeup routine. Foundation, blush, black eyeshadow to match the outfit, pink lipgloss, eyeliner, and mascara, done. Perfume? Umm, maybe this one, pretty as a peach. Perfect! Okay, anything else? No, I'm good.

I ran back into my bedroom, grabbed the file on the job I had tonight, and rushed downstairs. I saw my friends and family already pigging out on most of the food, so I sat down, grabbed a plate, and filled it up with bacon, eggs, and toast. All the waffles were gone already. 

I began to speed eat as I looked over the file. Hydra agent, duh. Name, Andrew Johnson. Age, 36. Any kills, no. They even had a picture, this was gonna be easy. Fighting skills, little to none. Any powers? None that we know of apperantly. He has info that hydra needs, the only one that knows it, how to give people wings. I would have choked if I hadn't had mine since I was born.

I looked up to see my family stareing at me. "What, do I have jelly on my face?" I asked. " Mama, don't you know what day it is?" My son asked. " no, what day is it?" Had I forgotten someone's birthday? Had I forgotten HIS birthday? No, that was in August, it's June. " Your making your 500th kill today boo! " Mia yelled, exited. I was? Then i remembered, I WAS! " Oh yeah, I had completely forgotten!" I said. " well, now you remember, I'll have a cake ready when you get home!" My mother said. 

" Okay mom, o jeez, I gotta run, bye mom, Mia, carter, Kayla,Jacob, Bye bye bugaboo, mama will miss you!" I called. " bye bye mama!" Nick yelled as I ran out the door.

Okay then, here I go, off to audition for my dream role! 

Wish me luck!

Chapter completed, come back soon agent.

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